The red and orange areas, 8 regions, and South Tyrol change color. Campania orange, Emilia and Puglia yellow


The regions change color again Umbria, Marche and Emilia return to yellow Problem: three high-risk areas

The traffic lights of the Italian regions change again from 6th of December. Marche, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Puglia, Umbria and Emilia Romagna return to the yellow zone from Sunday. In Emilia Romagna the Rt index falls below 1, to 0.99, but the number of people hospitalized increases: there are 248 patients in intensive care, three more, and in the other Covid departments there are 2,717, 49 more.

What changes

The main changes concern the easing of trade restrictions and teaching in schools that is returning to the presence.

At Market have already signed a valid regional ordinance until January 15, 2021, in which restrictive trade measures have already been suspended since this weekend. Furthermore, the ordinance no longer provides December 9 distance education for lower secondary schools lessons, Thus, they will attend again.

Also in Umbria trade restrictions disappear. Today a valid regional ordinance has already been signed until January 15, 2021. The provisions contained in the new Dpcm will remain in force. With regard to neighborhood business premises, medium and large surfaces, as well as shopping centers and similar structures, the Umbria region provides precise guidelines on the maximum number and methods of user access, personnel management, rules of behavior, sanitation, information to users and other aspects. In addition, the ordinance as of December 9, it no longer provides for distance learning for lower secondary schools lessons will therefore return to the presence. The institution “recommends companies that manage services for transport verification of strict compliance with the filling coefficient equal to fifty% of the maximum capacity, and to the educational institutions and the local administrations, each one by its competences, to monitor and implement any useful initiative and the necessary and adequate measures to avoid gatherings ”.

In addition, some measures already adopted have been renewed, such as the prohibition of outdoor or indoor activities by recreational and cultural associations and clubs, social meeting centers, universities for leisure time and the elderly. Board games, cards, billiards, bowling are prohibited in public and private sports centers and clubs. All recognized competitions and competitions of regional, provincial or local interest have also been suspended by the Italian National Olympic Committee (Coni), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (Cip) and by the respective national sports federations. For the same period, individual training and athletic preparation is suspended for the same period, limited to athletes under 18 years of age who play in amateur and amateur teams and team and contact sports associations.

In Emilia romagna President Bonaccini writes: «I recently received confirmation from Minister Speranza that Emilia-Romagna will return to the yellow zone from Sunday. Decision that the minister will formalize in a new ordinance that he will sign in the next few hours. Even today and tomorrow we will be in the orange zone and after midnight on Saturday we will be in the yellow zone. “The restrictions of these three weeks, therefore, have paid off – underlines the governor -, but we must remain responsible and respect the rules because the commitment of all to stop the pandemic must continue, to protect the health of all, starting by people”. more fragile, and to help health and social health structures, doctors, nurses, operators, who continue to do their job in a commendable way every day.

The Infections Bulletin —- download the pdf

From red to orange

Tuscany instead becomes the orange zone starting at midnight between Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 December. The president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, announces it on Facebook, specifying «We are preparing an ordinance to better interpret the new Dpcm». They go from the red zone to the orange zone Campania, Valle D’Aosta and the autonomous province of Bolzano.

Remain oranges

The restrictive measures remain in force in Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardy and Piedmont.

Instead, three regions are classified as high risk for 3 or more consecutive weeks: Calabria (as a precaution as it cannot be assessed), Puglia and Sardinia. This provides for the adoption of specific measures at the provincial and regional level. This was revealed in the draft of the monitoring of the ISS-Ministry of Health.

Last updated: 18:33

