The province of Imperia will be the red zone from midnight until April 11


Genoa. The confirmation has arrived and the Liguria Region has the order ready: for the In the provinces of Imperia and Savona, the red zone will not end with the Easter holidays, but will run until April 11, inclusive (starting tomorrow, Friday, April 2 for Liguria).

The decision was made this afternoon after a confrontation between President Giovanni Toti, Alisa, the local health authorities and the mayors of the territory., in light of the latest health data and the incidence of the virus. Based on the analysis of the epidemiological data and based on the indications that emerged in today’s long videoconference, the red zone was then established. Steadily increasing number of positives and hospitals under pressure to increase hospitalizations.

A situation that dictated the choice: therefore strengthening containment measures immediately after Easter, in the hope that they can improve the overall picture of the Covid emergency.

«In the Savona and Imperia areas we have more than 250 cases per thousand inhabitants (more than 250 in the Savona area and 267 in the Imperia area, while Genoa and La Spezia are below this threshold), which is the level guard required by the bill. decree that the council of ministers will approve in the next few hours» Toti pointed out.
