The protest of the taxi drivers in Piazza Castello: “Without health and economic protection, we cannot bear it anymore”


The protest of the taxi drivers in Turin: “Nobody protects us”

TURIN. “They say that we are an essential service but in recent months we have not received support and we have suffered incredible financial damage. And what’s more, we also run health risks: we don’t know if the people we drive are positive for Covid ».

The protest of the taxi drivers in Piazza Castello:

So the taxi drivers decided to take to the streets to demonstrate today, Monday, October 26. More than 300 gathered in front of the Allianz Stadium and then paraded to the Palazzo della Regione in Piazza Castello. Taxi drivers ask for financial support at a time, that of the Covid emergency, which “runs the risk of bringing not only drivers but also the families of taxi drivers to their knees. We ask the Region for help. There are people who take home a one-day race: how can you live like this? ».
No result of the meeting in the Region
At midmorning a delegation was received in the Region by Councilor Ricca, but the meeting did not have the expected results for the protesters: “They told us that they did not have the resources to help us and contact the Prefect who is organizing a table.” during the middle of next week with the realities hit by the crisis ». So the taxi drivers decided to go to the prefecture to make their voices heard. There were more than 300 in the plaza, but the situation at the union level is anything but unitary: “In the region they always asked to speak with the same representatives.” An example of this internal tension was also the assault on the unions that had tried to enter into negotiations in the Region: “We don’t love you” was the angry cry that came out of the plaza. To complicate the battle of the taxi drivers also the elections to elect the new leader of the category, which at this time amplify the divisions.
