the prohibitions of the Dpcm. Peak near Christmas


In Milan, the queues in supermarkets have already returned, even before the enactment of the Dpcm

Queues in supermarkets have already returned in Milan, even before the enactment of the Dpcm – Ansa

Last hours of negotiations on the new Dpcm that will regulate the life of the country until December 3. The mechanism, first: the Italian regions will be divided into three groups. Green Belt, where general national restrictions apply. Orange band, high risk, with additional restrictions. Red band, at serious risk, where there is a less rigid blockade than that of March-April. An order from the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, scheduled in the evening, will assign each Region to a band. Those who enter the orange or red band must stay there for at least 15 days. The Minister of Health will update the bands periodically. The award is made on the basis of scientific data provided by the Technical-Scientific Committee.

According to the latest information, as of tonight the Regions would be distributed in the following bands:

ROSSA: Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria, South Tyrol and Valle d’Aosta

ORANGE: Puglia and Liguria.

Campania is somewhere between orange and red. Veneto is somewhere between orange and green

GREEN: for the moment, all the others.

In the opinion of the Technical-Scientific Committee, we should see the peak of infections on December 20. Therefore, celebrating Christmas in a “normal” way seems very difficult.


– the obligation to wear a mask is maintained throughout the country

– there is no general limit to mobility between the Regions: the entry and exit ban applies only to the Regions in the orange and red zone. It is strongly recommended to limit movement to essential activities (work, study, health, emergencies)

– the national curfew is set at 10 pm. You can only move for proven work needs, situations of need or for health reasons

– mayors can close streets and squares even throughout the day, not just at night

– shops remain open, the same goes for hairdressers, barbers, beauticians

– Theme parks, cinemas, theaters, halls and betting corners are still closed. Museums and exhibitions join the national closures.

– there is no news for the sport, with the approval that remains for soccer training

– Once the ongoing cruises have concluded, as of November 9, all cruises with Italian-flagged ships will be suspended. Foreign cruise ships may use Italian ports only for “inactive stops”, so it is assumed without disembarkation

– for Masses and access to places of worship, the existing Protocols remain valid

– high school students go 100% to distance learning

– for middle and elementary schools teaching is maintained in presence but with the obligation of a mask

– The pre-selection and written tests of public, private and qualification competitions for the exercise of the professions are suspended, except in cases in which the evaluation of the candidates is carried out exclusively in a curricular or electronic form, or in which the The commission considers that it will proceed to correct the written tests with remote connection, as well as exclude competitions for healthcare personnel, including, where appropriate, state and qualification examinations for the exercise of the profession of surgeon and those of the personnel of civil protection

– Shopping centers close on weekends. Inside the centers, the blinds are lowered, Saturday and Sunday, all shops except food, pharmacies, tobacconists and kiosks

– For bars and restaurants the current rules are maintained: opening 5-18, home delivery allowed, takeaway possible until 10pm.

– transport is reduced to a 50% capacity

– closed lifts, only agile work recommendations for professional studios

The squares are empty

The squares are empty – Frame


The Regions or parts of them that the Minister of Health will put in the orange zone must follow the following additional measures for a minimum of two weeks, and until December 3 (expiration date of the Dpcm):

– Any movement in and out of the territories located in the orange zone is prohibited, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, the movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed, where permitted.

– It is forbidden to travel by means of public or private transport to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile, unless there is a proven need for work or study, for health reasons, due to situations of need or to carry out activities or take advantage of non-suspended services and not available in your municipality.

– The activities of the catering services (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries) are suspended, with the exception of dining rooms and restaurants. Only catering with home delivery is allowed, as well as catering with takeaway food until 10 pm, with prohibition of consumption on site or in the surroundings. In any case, the motorway restaurants and the catering services at the stations and airports remain open


The Regions or parts of them that the Minister of Health will place in the red zone must observe additional restrictive measures for at least 15 days to those already provided for the green zone and the orange zone:

– Any movement in and out of the red zone areas, as well as within the same territories, is prohibited, except movements motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, the movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed within the limits in which it is allowed. Verify whether such a strict prohibition of mobility also makes it impossible to participate in masses or access to places of worship.

– Am retail business activities suspended, done except sale of food and basic necessities. The markets are closed, regardless of the type of activity, except for activities aimed solely at the sale of food products. Newsstands, tobacconists, pharmacies, parapharmacies remain open

– Am the activities of the catering services suspended (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries), with the exception of dining rooms and catering. Only catering with home delivery is allowed, as well as catering with takeaway food until 10 pm, with prohibition of consumption on site or in the immediate vicinity. In any case, highway restaurants and catering services at stations and airports remain open. D) All activities provided for in letters f) and g), which are also carried out in open-air sports centers, are suspended; All events and competitions organized by sports promotion bodies are also suspended.

– It is allowed to jog alone and near your house and with the obligation of masks

Face-to-face schooling is only possible up to sixth grade. From the second, we move on to distance education

– closed hairdressers, barbers, beauticians

– maximum use of smart work in the PA
