The prohibited miniskirt and the protest at the Socrates institute in Rome


A deputy director who urges you not to wear skirts that are too short. High school students who are not and who implement a protest on social networks. This is what happens at the Socrate institute in Garbatella, where the vice principal asked a student not to wear a miniskirt because, as a representative of the school said, “a teacher could fall out of his eye.” A phrase that has become an upside-down poster, a motto that accompanies the photos of the schoolgirls in miniskirts: “It’s not our fault if their gaze falls”.

Yes, because the invitation, not present at any official baccalaureate ceremony, was collected on the contrary by the students who since yesterday have filled their social networks with photos in miniskirts. And as it was learned, the protest hit the mark because, in addition to being relaunched by the media, the Ministry of Education, through the Regional Office of the Lazio School, requested an in-depth analysis of what happened.

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Meanwhile, the controversy burns on social networks even after the publication of the photo of the girls with a poster ‘it is not our fault if your gaze falls on #stopallaviolenzadigenere’. And on Twitter Cecilia D’Elia, spokesperson for the National Conference of Democratic Women writes’ cheers Socrates girls in miniskirts. A simple gesture for a fundamental battle: the freedom of women ”.
