“The problem? Giorgia Meloni and Matteo Salvini have different ideas” – Libero Quotidiano


Center-right, second Luca ricolfi, have a problem. And he explains it in an interview with Italy today: “The real problem is that the center-right is unable to formulate a convincing alternative to the welfare of the yellow-red government. On taxes, work and pensions Giorgia Meloni me Matteo salvini they think differently. “Then the sociologist. And again, when asked if there is a problem of leadership or of the ruling class in the center-right, he responds:” There are both problems, but the most serious is the lack of leadership. of leadership. If there is political-cultural leadership, if there is a coherent and reasonable idea of ​​the future, the ruling class arrives almost automatically ”, he argues.

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Therefore, Ricolfi argues in detail the fact that, in his opinion, the center-right cannot find a forceful answer to the drift of the welfare of the Pd and M5: “It fails because it tries to present itself together, and make people believe that differences are a matter. ” of different physiological sensitivities. “Still:”The result is that if they have to imagine a future center-right governmentItalians can only imagine the usual: a false hard line with immigrants; tax amnesties; fixed tax arcades; some assistance against evil Fornero; sparks with Europe; some rancor against the judiciary and red robes; perhaps a little less cautious about Covid, so as not to kill the economy, “he concludes, hitting hard.
