the primrose arbor – Time


Francesco Storace

To make a flower you need a branch, Sergio Endrigo sang. With Domenico Arcuri just one shot. Now facing Covid, the government cast has decided that we should be kind to communication.

And in the magical world of Arcuri, after the benches on wheels, it was decided to order industrial quantities of flowers for the vaccine. They chose the primrose, which is an emblem of youth because it is precocious, but the one they found does not seem like good luck.

In fact, to be honest, it seems to be the latest prank devised by Arcuri, who thinks he can change his name to himself as a new flower boy. The usual walk, to be nice.

“The primrose will be the symbol of the vaccination campaign and a symbol of rebirth. The very strong image of these flowers that stand out in our squares leaves us even more convinced that light is beginning to glimpse at the end of the tunnel ”, said Arcuri when presenting the initiative. “We asked the doctors and nurses to help us by populating these springs that will be in the squares where everyone who wants can go to vaccinate. In recent months we have given a great test of being a community, I hope with all my strength that this community can find itself around this symbol ”, he concluded. Forgetting to remember how every day his government rains anathemas on citizens, considered healthy carriers of the disease …

But how will this huge vaccination campaign work, along with the information campaign to illustrate the plan? Arcuri explained it together with the architect Stefano Boeri. To administer the doses of the vaccine to Italians, initially 300 places will be isolated, then in the massive phase there will be more than 1,500 lookouts. Gazebos that, according to Boeri’s project, will be shaped like a flower, will be sustainable and will symbolize, even in the materials with which they will be built, the rebirth of the country, said the architect. Commissioner Arcuri explained that they are “preparing a budget and also the form of the cost of construction of the structures. We believe that there will be many people and many companies that will carry out this function” pro bono “as the architect Boeri did. Many will give us the fruit. of his ingenuity so that Italians can be vaccinated ».

All this, without knowing for sure yet whether the vaccines booked from Italy will arrive on the scheduled dates: we prefer to look more at the form and not the substance. In reality, in such a dramatic moment, no flowers are needed but, finally, seriousness and rigor. We should be more concerned with organizing the vaccination procedure than with thinking about flowers.

All over Italy there are millions of people who have not yet been able to get vaccinated even against seasonal flu and Arcuri thinks of spring: but can we ever do it?

We do not know – Guido Crosetto pointed out – if there is any other nation in the world in which they have thought of an “aesthetic dress” to administer the vaccine. It seems really surreal to think of pavilions built for the occasion with the logo designed by an archistar.
More than sixty thousand people have died in Italy, who deserve more respect. And not fantasies.
