
Giovanni Sallusti
No, we have not endured two months of fascism in health (but it would be more correct to say communism, since the model of those who imposed it on us is China) to be told that if something goes wrong today, it will be our fault. However, the rhetoric of the puppet in a handbag and of the Public Health Committee that transports it to Phase 2 is just that. His kind and not obvious grace, always retractable if we do not behave well. Giuseppe Conte uses Corriere della Sera to transmit the not-too-veiled threat to the population: “The restart of the country is in our hands. It is up to us to decide if we want it to be decisive and definitive. If we want to avoid painful steps now more than ever, we need collaboration and a sense of responsibility. ” If you want the constitutional freedoms to move, to produce, to be realized, even “final”, be careful. It is a time to take “painful steps backwards”, which would only be your fault, automatically generated by your bad behavior towards Big Brother Giallorossi (more Casalino than Orwell).
The adverb “automatically” is used by Walter Ricciardi, consultant to the Minister of Health, in an interview with Repubblica: “I want to remember that when it was opened, it can also be closed again. Closings if things go wrong happen automatically.” The interviewer It goes beyond the seraphic: it is now clarified through customs that Ricciardi and his companions (from the laboratory and from the political faith) can “automatically” lock up the nation, whenever they wish, based on that pre-pandemic antiquity that It is Parliament (which, moreover, is certainly unpleasant to the leaders of Beijing) but also a passage, albeit a formal one, with the Prime Minister, reduced to his social gallop.
Even Roberto Burioni, of the scientific thinker who has been attending most recently, Fabio Fazio’s television studio warned: “Perhaps even at this stage we will have to rely on the sacrifices and responsibility of citizens”, or of subjects imprisoned for eight weeks and now monitored with suspicion at every step (“citizens”, trusted professor, in political philosophy indicates another condition, not that of the Italians under the heel of Giuseppi and the Politburo of virologists). A few days ago, it was Virginia Raggi, linguistically less aware of the gentlemen mentioned above, who said it clearly: “Open parks are a concession that the Prime Minister grants us, but we must deserve it.” The People’s Advocate gives his client free movement and individual self-determination, but he must deserve it, he must demonstrate every day that he is worthy of such magnanimity on the part of the enlightened Sovereign. We are in the midst of despotic paternalism, of any minimum canon of liberal civilization, we make concessions, self-certifications and self-limitations to the circle of “stable affections” (the paternalistic autocrat is also always a little moralistic, and awkwardly looks at those vicious among us who cultivate “unstable affects”).
The implication of all this series of legal and moral bestialities is that if the infection spreads again, it will be the fault of the writer, the reader, all of us. No, gentlemen, it really is too much. The writer, the reader, all of us, have endured the prolonged castration of our fundamental freedoms, because you, men of government, of science, generously salaried with the money produced by our vulgar work habit, arrived equipped to Phase 2. If something will go wrong, it will be your fault. It will be because once again you arrive without preparation, back to the app to track and back to the territorial controls, back to the massive buffers (stage that South Korea carried out in phase 1, in fact in the only phase he had) and in the serological tests, very weak in political decision and very divided in scientific evaluation, as before, as always. Don’t start being smart, don’t start with the preventive guilt of the Italians. Come on, show us that you have hibernated the rule of law because you had a plan, we mean a plan in addition to the permanence of your manager where he is now staying.