
Pietro Senaldi
More than twenty years ago, in Striscia la Notizia, which has always been the most serious news program in Italy, the comedian Emilio Solfrizzi played a mythological character, Lino Linguine, a journalist from Puglia, who, despite his professional gaps, did race leading the sheep. in power and pouring up to liters. The image resurfaced from my unconscious yesterday, when I saw the interview granted by Giuseppe Conte to Antonio Padellaro and Peter Gomez at the Fatto Quotidiano party. Only the roles were reversed. The serious ones were the Pennivendoli, while the Prime Minister played the role of the carpet seller. The prime minister, too relaxed in confessing to his organ, was comical. Earlier, after boasting of having a foolproof monitoring system, the virus’s death toll was lost at 100,000, declaring 135,000 dead instead of 35,000. Lapsus, but Conte insistently defended himself, despite the fact that the couple of friends tried to correct him, so much so that he thought that his was not a budget but a forecast. Then, when politely pointed out that declassified minutes of Scientific Committee meetings during the pandemic showed that he had told too many lies, the prime minister was glad that he had never reread the words that, in unified networks, he dispensed to the people, locked in by him and terrified. Finally, the lawyer acquitted himself with a complete formula regarding the new increase in infections: “We did not reopen the discos, it was the Regions that did it, not the executive,” he sentenced, as if he were a passing tourist and had not prolonged the state of emergency to continue maintaining full powers and decide everything.

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About politics – It was even worse when Conte switched to more purely political reflections. Drunk with power, the indomitable Apulia first tried to avoid the shadow of Mario Draghi, arguing that the governor is not a rival but a potential collaborator, so much so that he would even try to find him a job, as president of the EU Commission. Perhaps only those who go to a Fact Daily party can believe that the former president of the European Central Bank needs the Volturara professor Appula to get high, or that Merkel and Macron listen to Giuseppe when it comes to assigning a chair that matters. . Then he argued that it is not he who does not want to dialogue with the opposition, but Salvini who does not answer his phone, unlike Meloni and Berlusconi, who speak to him but are not equally listened to, like the president of industrialists, Bonomi. . Finally, the prime minister promised Mattarella re-election to the Quirinal, as long as he keeps him in the chair even if the Giallorossi majority dissolves after a defeat in the regional elections. The head of state, speaking at the Ambrosetti International Economic Forum, had been very tough on the government, bluntly accusing the prime minister of being anxious. This is what the president of work and Conte’s colleagues think: «Citizens live with uncertainty and anxiety at this time. The approval process for the Recovery Fund must continue as quickly as possible so that resources are available from early 2021. National recovery plans must be prepared quickly because the European Union cannot become a mere mailbox for transfer requests of funds. “In less gentle words, the Colle has invited the government and those who guide it to wake up, because the Italians cannot take it anymore, it is not clear in which direction they are moving and the feeling is that the government continues on day zero as soon as to economic recovery plans.

European treaties – With unrealistic optimism, Mattarella then invited the executive to “pave the way for the revision of the European Treaties, which for too long has been a real taboo for many European foreign ministries.” And here, if you think that the Quirinal asks him to act as a ram to revolutionize Europe, Conte may even awaken tenderness. Anyone else who felt that way about the head of state would have been buried. But not Professor Giuseppe who, after spending a night at Salvini’s in Zingaretti, knows how to slide through the mud with the skill of a surfer. “Mattarella is playing his role with great balance and wisdom, he would see his second term very well, if he accepted it,” Conte replied without disheveled. The prime minister made a prayer and a promise to the president: keep me on my feet even if M5S and Pd surrender, abandon the temptation of technical governments, and I will reward you with a reconfirmation. A barter worthy of a souk merchant, who treats the Constitution like a piece of paper and claims to be able to move Parliament without even having a deputy. On the other hand, for someone who has become a famous lawyer without being known, a university professor with practically no publications, and a prime minister without votes, what do you want it to be to appoint a President of the Republic without having a party and troops?