The President of the Regional Council of Calabria, Domenico Tallini, 68, of Forza Italia, was arrested and placed under house arrest by the carabinieri on charges of external competition in mafia association and political electoral mafia exchange. The investigation that led to Tallini’s arrest concerns his alleged relationship with the clan. Great Aracri of the ‘Ndrangheta. “He gave a concrete contribution to the association and accepted the clan’s promise to procure votes”, reads the order signed by the investigating judge.
According to the indictment, Domenico Tallini’s relations with the Grande Aracri clan would have led to the establishment of a company, based in Catanzaro, aimed at the wholesale distribution of medicines through a network of points of sale made up of pharmacies and parapharmacies (20 in Calabria, two in Puglia and one in Emilia Romagna).
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Tallini would have provided support to the clan, especially in the start-up phase of the project and its intervention, according to the carabinieri, would have also been reciprocated with the support of the clan in the autonomous elections of November 2014. Tallini’s contribution would have been decisive to favor and accelerate the initial bureaucratic process to obtain the necessary authorizations for the establishment of the drug distribution company.
In the operation of the Carabinieri of the Provincial Commands of Catanzaro and Crotone – called Pharmacy – which led to the arrest of the president of the regional council of Calabria, Domenico Tallini, a total of 19 people are involved who are beneficiaries of a preventive custody order issued by the Gip of Catanzaro at the request of the DDA.
They are accused, for various reasons, of mafia-type association, external competition in mafia-type association, political-mafia electoral exchange, use of money, goods or benefits of illicit origin, illegal possession of weapons, fraudulent transfer of values, attempted extortion, receipt of stolen goods and violence or threat to a public official.
The provision has its origin in two convergent investigative activities, developed respectively by the Carabinieri of the Catanzaro Investigative Unit and the Crotone Investigative Unit, directed and coordinated by the Public Ministry, Nicola Gratteri, by the Deputy Prosecutor, Vincenzo Capomolla and by the Deputy Prosecutors Paolo Sirleo and Domenico Guarascio.
“The emergencies investigated – it is said in a press release issued by the carabinieri – referred to the operation of the ‘Ndrangheta Grande Aracri di Cutro clan in the area of origin and in the Catanzaro area, with special reference to the entrepreneurial initiatives put in place. march in the latter province through the reuse of the clan’s capital. In particular, the elements collected during the investigations allowed defining the new structures of the Grande Aracri clan after the operations that affected its main exponents and the chief Nicolino Grande Aracri himself. The construction and operation of the suspects was also documented, through the preliminary fictitious registry of public goods and services. The role of professionals and businessmen in carrying out the gang’s program with regard to the search for economic advantages in the different business sectors of interest. they made it possible to reconstruct specific intimidating episodes, both linked to the carrying out of the clan’s entrepreneurial initiative, as well as with a specific purpose of extortion, as well as the availability of numerous weapons.
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Today Tallini was expected in Rome with a delegation made up of the majority of regional councilors to participate in the protest demonstration of the ANCI Calabria board to request the end of the health commissioner in Calabria and «Guarantee our compatriots conditions of equal dignity and treatment in the protection of health. It is necessary to restore dignity to the people of Calabria and its institutions.Wrote in a note.
Who is Mimmo Tallini?
The president of the Regional Council of Calabria ended under house arrest, Domenico Tallini, was elected last March until the last session of the Regional Council of Calabria that was dissolved, after the premature death of the president. Jole santelli last November 10. Tallini was born in Catanzaro on January 29, 1952, he is married with two children. Former Enel employee, he was chosen in the regional district of Calabria with the Forza Italia list with more than 8,000 preferences. At the top of the highest elective assembly of Calabria he was elected last March. He is in his fourth term.
He became a regional councilor for the first time in 2005 in the ranks of the Udeur with some 5,000 preferences; Among other things, he held the position of President of the Special Supervisory Commission and was also an alternate member of the Personnel Disciplinary Commission. He was coordinator of Forza Italia in the province of Catanzaro. He ran for the 2000 regional elections, on the FI list, obtaining more than 6,500 preferences. In 2014 he was reelected in the central district of Calabria with the Forza Italia list, obtaining 11,000 preferences. He has held the position of Vice President of the Commission of the IV Council “Planning, Land Use and Environmental Protection”, as well as a member of the electoral council. In 2010 he was chosen in the center of Calabria with the PDL list with some 10,000 preferences. From 2010 to 2014 he was deputy mayor.
It was unpresentable for the Antimafia
Before the elections, Tallini had ended up under the observation lens of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission, which had included him among the “unpresentable” candidates because he was accused of various types of corruption.
«Do you remember the last regionals of Calabria, in January 2020? This man, current president of the Regional Council of Calabria, of Forza Italia, by virtue of the self-regulation code of the Anti-Mafia Commission, was unpresentable. In his opinion, it was I who was furious at him for “personal revenge.”». Today he is under house arrest. But it was one «personal revenge. “The president of the parliamentary anti-mafia commission, Nicola Morra, wrote when commenting on the arrest of the president of the Calabria regional council, Domenico Tallini, 68, of Forza Italia, accused of external competition in a mafia association and Mafia electoral political exchange.
«I sent my best wishes to Gratteri for a good job: a serious person that I know well, when you have to clean is a guarantee. Tallini attacked me many times. I hope that this matter will prompt us to act soon, that you elect a Calabrian as commissioner. The best answer would be to appoint a Calabrian mirrored doctor ». Thus, the secretary of the League, Matteo salvini, Rtl 102.5.
Last update: 10:21