the premier promises progress in his career – Libero Quotidiano


Fausto Carioti

They are looking for 18 senators and 30 “responsible” deputies, outside the perimeter of the current majority and willing to vote for confidence in the government. Rapid career advancement is guaranteed. Refrain wasteful. Tempting as it may be, the Prime Minister’s offer has so far not had the desired effect. No transhumance of new Scilipoti. And yet, if Matteo Renzi is serious, as he himself continues to swear, and if Giuseppe Conte really wants to bring the clash with the Italian leader alive (two huge “yes” in this challenge between bluffers) will have to stop: the replacement of the 48 renzianos by a more or less similar number of opposition refugees. Otherwise, the government is finished.

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And then, either a majority appears in a few days willing to support a new executive (not even a Count 3 is excluded, in this case), or you will vote. The terror that this time is different from the others, grillini and piddini have it. Roberto Fico, pentastellato and president of the Chamber, yesterday launched a heartbreaking appeal from the press columns: a crisis now, he said, would be “incomprehensible and disastrous”, “unforgivable. Useful words only to galvanize the former mayor of Florence, who does not take his foot off the gas. Sterilizing it would take something else: the mythical perpetrators, in fact. Perhaps disguised and disguised as a new Conte movement. It just isn’t easy. First, why Sergio Mattarella would not accept to replace a party with a handful of pawns: he has already made it known that he wants a serious political solution. And then because the raw material is scarce: those who wanted to rush to the rescue of the Giallorossi have already done so.

Let’s take the Palazzo Madama hall: M5S, Pd, Italia Viva and Leu, the four “real” government parties, together have 150 senators, much less than the absolute majority, equal to 161. Those who make the difference come from the Autonomies, of the Italian Movement abroad and other cracks of the mixed group. In short, the bottom of the barrel has been scraped for some time: not quite, but almost. The elected representatives of Forza Italia and the remaining parliamentarians of the mixed group remain potential attractions. With the farewell to Italy alive, two beautiful chairs would be released as minister and one as undersecretary: are you interested in anyone? But among the blues there is no air of landslide. And from the rest it only rains 2 swords for Conte. The three highly courted senators of Cambiamo !, Giovanni Toti’s party, reiterated yesterday that they will not be the ones to help the prime minister. “We are in the opposition and we continue in the opposition,” says Gaetano Quagliariello. The same are done by the three UDC senators, Lorenzo Cesa’s party, belonging to the Forza Italia group. “We are not useful idiots or stupid servants”, is the message that one of them, Antonio Saccone, sends to the prime minister. Though persuasion and profusion abound. “The phone calls come from Palazzo Chigi and the upper floors of the Democratic Party, because now everyone assumes that Renzi will leave government,” Cesa told the Huffington Post.

The only official “yes” to Conte is that of Sandra Lonardo, wife of Clemente Mastella, chosen with Forza Italia. “If the prime minister appealed to those” responsible “to move forward, I would be ready to accept it,” he announces. However, nothing would change: the senator has been part of the mixed group since July and has already voted to trust the government. Others are silent, like former force worker Raffaele Fantetti, and may run to Conte’s aid. But the void the Renzians would leave is enormous, and it would be even if four or five of them did not participate in the tear. The troops capable of replacing them are not seen, or they wait the last hours to obtain a higher price.
