the prefect closes another 8 businesses


They did not comply with the regulations regarding the security measures put in place to combat the coronavirus infection, therefore the prefect of Milan, Renato Saccone, ordered the closure of eight commercial activities for five days.

The premises, a bakery and seven shops in the neighborhood were closed based on investigations carried out by the local police on compliance with the provisions to limit the spread of the covid-19 pandemic. These are controls carried out by the police, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Provincial Commission for Order and Public Safety.

The adoption of the measures has the objective of dissuading similar behavior, to protect the preeminent interest of public health. At the beginning of the month, ten stores had suffered the same fate. The closures began on Wednesday, October 7, and affected two hair salons, five bars, two private clubs and a wellness center.

The other stores closed for breach of covid rules

“The control activity of the police to comply with government regulations – reads the note from Corso Monforte – has never ceased since the start of the health emergency and was facilitated by the respectful behavior of the majority of citizens and Controls have also been constant for workplaces. Since May 4, the territorial inspection team, coordinated by the Prefecture, has carried out a total of 1,707 controls to date: for only 78 companies, violations of the covid- 19. The suspension provision was adopted as a precautionary measure against 11 companies, while other types of violations arose for another 19 companies. “

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