The “gang of the incapable” in government, as Giancarlo Giorgetti puts it, the three center-right leaders would like to send it home, but they differ on the exit strategy. At the presentation of Bruno Vespa’s latest book, “Why Italy loved Mussolini” (Mondadori), Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi (in connection) explain their recipes live.
The leader of the IDF is the one who insists the most on immediate voting and quotes the United States to say that Covid does not suspend democracy and there is no power vacuum during the elections. Then he warns: “I don’t make agreements with Renzi, M5S, Pd.”
Salvini excludes an agreement of national unity, “it is not a viable hypothesis, I do not make a government with those who dismantle the security decrees”, but think of a bridge executive: “Governoni with everyone inside, no, a government with few points to program , from the center-right, yes. ”On specific problems, from work to health and justice, for him there would be a“ broad convergence ”in Parliament. It is not“ a Salvini government ”, but entrusted to a prominent personality, outside the center right. The ghost of Mario Draghi looms. Berlusconi does not lose his balance when Vespa asks him what his perspective is: “In the event of a crisis, we will yield to the wisdom of the head of state, even if we would like to go to the polls But it is useless to discuss it now that there are other problems for the emergency.
Moderator Antonio Polito wants to know if it would be so easy to find “responsible” for a majority other than the Giallorossi. Probably yes, for the Fi leader, who wants to “absolutely exclude” the support of the Azzurri for the “left government”. However, for Salvini the opposition is ready. The 15 senators to bring in Mattarella? “Today I am not going to look for anyone, but if the President of the Republic dissolves the Chambers, tomorrow morning the center-right would win.”
“Elections on the road,” repeats Meloni. While the other two, while saying it, seem less convinced. Nobody seems to believe in a government crisis caused by Renzi. “They always end up with a few more seats,” interrupts the Fdi leader. “It is surreal that the country is attached to the Conte-Renzi meeting,” exclaims Salvini.
About the confrontation between the three tenors of the opposition, who go daily from internal conflict to maximum external cohesion, Giorgetti reveals much about Corriere della Sera. He says something different to the leaders, Salvini at the head: “The opposition is still a company of fortune, it will win the next elections without a doubt, but it is not prepared to govern.” For the Undersecretary of the League, a moderate soul and often autonomous from Salvin’s verticalism, Count 2 will not reach the end of the legislature, but his fall is not so imminent, perhaps after the spring administrative elections, who knows. Meanwhile, it is “as if the center-right of today is afraid of a different center-right, which is exactly what Italy needs.” Salvini himself must change his character full of muscles and invective: “To govern, alliances and credibility are needed, a strong electoral consensus is not enough.” A piece of advice that Salvini doesn’t seem to like. «The Giorgetti interview? I’ve committed my day to something else, ”she said to snub her increasingly distant number two.