Pope Francis said he is in favor of civil unions between homosexuals, so that same-sex couples can have “legal coverage.” The remarks emerged on Wednesday, after the documentary was previewed at the Rome Film Festival. Francesco, made by director Evgeny Afineevsky. In the documentary there is a new interview in which Pope Francis says:
“Gay people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God, and no one should be expelled or miserable for it. What we need to create is a civil union law. In this way they are legally covered. I fought for this “
It is the first time that a Pope says he is in favor of civil unions between homosexual people – which are different from marriage and which according to Catholic doctrine is reserved only for heterosexual couples – but these are not totally unexpected statements given that in the past the Pope Francis had made several openings on this topic. In 2013, answering questions from journalists on the plane returning from Brazil, where he had participated in World Youth Day, when asked about the alleged ‘gay lobby’ at the Vatican, he said: “Not all lobbies are good ones. If one is gay and seeks the Lord, who am I to judge? We must not discriminate or marginalize these people, the Catechism also says “
In 2018 The country He said the Pope had had a very unusual conversation on the subject of homosexuality with Juan Carlos Cruz, a Chilean priest who was abused as a child. Cruz said that he had told the Pope that he was gay, and that he responded like this: “Juan Carlos, it doesn’t matter that you’re gay. God made you that way and loves you for who you are, and for me things don’t change. The Pope loves you for who you are.
In Afineevsky’s film is the testimony of Cruz, as well as that of Andrea Rubera and Dario Di Gregorio, an Italian homosexual couple with three children born by surrogacy, who had delivered a letter to the Pope asking him how to make their homosexuality coexist with a ring of weddings. In the film it is said that the Pope telephoned Rubera and Di Gregorio to tell them to overcome their shame and accompany their children to the parish as any parent does.