During the mass in Santa Marta, Francesco prayed for those who suffer because they lost their jobs during this period and remembered the anniversary of the discovery of the body of Saint Timothy in the Cathedral of Termoli. In his homily, he said that the Holy Spirit helps us to understand more and more what Jesus told us: doctrine is not static, but grows in the same direction.
Francisco presided over the mass at the Casa Santa Marta (COMPLETE VIDEO) Monday of the fifth week of Easter. In the introduction, he recalled the 75th anniversary of the discovery of the body of Saint Timothy in the crypt of the Cathedral of Termoli, during restoration work in 1945, and addressed his thoughts to the unemployed:
We join the faithful of Termoli today in the feast of the discovery of the body of Saint Timothy. These days many people have lost their jobs; they have not been summarized, they worked illegally … We pray for our brothers and sisters who suffer from this lack of work.
In the homily, the Pope commented on Today’s Gospel (Jn 14, 21-26) in which Jesus says to his disciples: «If someone loves me, he will keep my word and my Father will love him and we will go to him and settle with him. Whoever does not love me does not keep my words; And the word you hear is not mine, but the Father’s who sent me. I have told you these things while I am still with you. But the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you ».
“It is the promise of the Holy Spirit – said the Pope – the Holy Spirit who lives with us and to whom the Father is the Son sends” to “accompany us in life.” His name is Paràclito, that is to say, he who “supports, accompanies not falling, keeps him still, is close to you to support him.” And the Lord has promised us this support, which is God like Him: He is the Holy Spirit. What does the Holy Spirit do in us? The Lord says it: “He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you.” teaching and remember. This is the office of the Holy Spirit. It teaches us: it teaches us the mystery of faith, it teaches us to enter the mystery, to understand the mystery a little more, it teaches us the doctrine of Jesus and teaches us how to develop our faith without making mistakes, because the doctrine grows, but always in the same direction: grow in understanding. And the Spirit helps us to grow in understanding of faith, to understand it more, and to better understand what faith says. Faith is not a static thing; Doctrine is not static: it grows “always, but it grows” in the same direction. And the Holy Spirit prevents doctrine from making mistakes, prevents it from remaining there, without growing in us. It will teach us the things that Jesus taught us, it will develop in us an understanding of what Jesus taught us, it will make the doctrine of the Lord grow in us, until maturity. “
And another thing the Holy Spirit does is remember: “He will remember everything I told you.” “The Holy Spirit is like memory, it awakens us”, it always keeps us awake “in the things of the Lord” and it also makes us remember our life, when we meet the Lord or when we leave him.
The Pope remembers a person who prayed before the Lord in the following way: “Lord, I am the same as a child, as a child, you had these dreams. So, I followed the wrong paths. Now you called me. “This, he said,” is the memory of the Holy Spirit in one’s life. It brings you to the memory of salvation, to the memory of what Jesus taught, but also to the memory of your life. ” This, he continued, is a beautiful way to pray to the Lord: “I am the same. I walked a lot, I made many mistakes, but I am the same and you love me. “It is” the memory of life’s journey “.
“And in this memory, the Holy Spirit guides us; it guides us to discern, to discern what I have to do now, what is the right path and what is the wrong one, even in small decisions. If we ask the Holy Spirit for light, He will help us discern to make the right decisions, the smallest of each day and the greatest. The Spirit “accompanies us, sustains us in discernment”, “will teach us everything, that is, it will make faith grow, it will introduce us to mystery, the Spirit that reminds us: it reminds us of faith, it reminds us of life and Spirit that in this teaching, in this memory, teaches us to discern the decisions we must make. ” And the Gospels give a name to the Holy Spirit, in addition to Paraclete, because it supports you “, another more beautiful name: it is the Gift of God. The Spirit is the Gift of God. The Spirit is the Gift:” I will not leave you alone I will send you a Paraclete who will support you “and help us to advance, remember, discern and grow. The gift of God is the Holy Spirit.”
“May the Lord, the final prayer of Pope Francis, help us keep this gift that he gave us at baptism and that we all have inside.”
The Pope invited to make spiritual communion with this prayer:
My Jesus, I believe that you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar. I love you above all things and I wish you in my soul. Since I cannot receive you sacramentally now, at least spiritually come to my heart. As I come, I embrace you and join you all. Don’t ever let me part from you.
Pope Francis ended the celebration with adoration and Eucharistic blessing. Before leaving the chapel dedicated to the Holy Spirit, theMarian antiphon “Regina caeli“ sung in the Easter season:
Regína caeli laetáre, alelúia.
Quia quem merúisti portáre, alelúia.
Resurréxit, sicut dixit, alelúia.
Ora pro nobis Deum, Germany.
(Queen of heaven, rejoice, hallelujah.
Christ, whom you carried in your womb, hallelujah,
he is risen, as promised, hallelujah.
Pray to the Lord for us, hallelujah.)