This time not even the traditionalists have raised controversy. For the Church, and thanks to French PopeIt is time to deal with the “rigidities” of a sexual morality accused of having demonized pleasure. What Jorge Mario Bergoglio wrote in the last book by Carlo Petrini had already been announced by the Pope himself a couple of years ago: “Without taboo. It is a gift from God, a gift that the Lord gives us”, the pontiff had ordered. The reasoning is always the same, while the issue, today as then, is “sexuality.”
In fact, in the latter case, more precisely the “pleasure”. It is also not necessary to explain too many why. Of course, there is the “context of true love” of the catechetical memory and also all the later indications of that text remain, including premarital chastity, but pleasure is not the victim of a prohibition. And the phobia of sexuality, always in case it ever belonged tochurchIt’s just a distant memory
And then who will read TerraFutura, dialogues with Pope Francis on integral ecology, which is published by Joints, you will find written that: “In this I do not agree: the Church has condemned inhuman, vulgar, vulgar pleasure, but on the contrary, human, sober, moral pleasure has always accepted it. The pleasure comes directly from God, it is not Catholic, not Christian, or anything else. , it’s just divine. ” It is not a customs clearance or an admission of guilt linked to an old morality that no longer exists, but it is the language and communication skills of the former archbishop of Buenos Aires that is surprising in this case. So what is the function of this “pleasure”, which would have been so stigmatized by obscurantist interpretations of the doctrine? “The pleasure of eating is there to keep you healthy, just as sexual pleasure is there to beautify love and ensure the perpetuation of the species”, reflected the Argentine pontiff, in addition to reporting on Open. The reception of the majority can only be positive, but the focal point is another.
At one point, the former archbishop of Buenos Aires delimits the field of responsibility: “There is no place for exaggerated morality to deny pleasure.” The fact is that “jealous morality”, on papal examination, has a rather specific place of residence: a“incorrect interpretation of the Christian message”. The accusation has gone to the background, but it seems that Bergoglio has traced in the rigidity of certain doctrinal explanations the root of some conceptual (and therefore existential) distortion. The one that would have led, in fact, to the spread of sexophobia. All this happens while in some episcopal circles the dialectic is fed on what to do with priestly celibacy. It is no mystery: progressives think that the narrowness of the rules has negative effects on the internal life of the Catholic Church. For now, Francis has not indulged those ambitions, but it is clear that this is also the Pope in the battle against “rigidities.”
Don’t forget the food. Here we must not relativize either: it is not hedonic hunger that protects Bergoglio, but the “pleasure to eat”, che is a completely different story. The area that Francis is reviewing, perhaps, is that of “sin.” Sex and sin, in the theological examinations that have evidently had some success, have been equated or, in any case, approached with a certain continuity. Bergoglio is not altering Christian-Catholic sexual morality, but is removing the ghosts of a homologation (that of sexuality and sin) that, even in terms of doctrine, does not make sense of existing. But beware: Bergoglio did not “embrace” the sexual morality of contemporary society.
In 2018, in a speech delivered in the Hall of the Popes, the Bishop of Rome made it clear that the real dimension of love is always that which leads to “One expensive”, one flesh: “And sexuality must be lived like this, in this dimension: the love between man and woman for life. It is true that our weaknesses, our spiritual falls, lead us to use sexuality so much out of this way. beautiful, of the love between man and woman. But they have fallen, like all sins. Lies, anger, gluttony … They are sins: capital sins. But this is not the sexuality of love: it is the “objectified” sexuality, detached from love and used for fun … “.