The system is exhausted. When we say “170 thousand swabs have been made”, we speak of the effort to multiply the tests, but all the side effects are out of the picture: queues in drive-ins, with waits of up to 10 hours in the citizens’ car before submit to the test; staff destroyed by fatigue; laboratories under stress; dozens of cases of people who have a fever of 38, cough, have had contact with a positive, but have to wait 4 to 5 days before being able to do the sample.
How does it come out? The other day, during negotiations with the Government, a proposal came from the Presidents of the Region that is also supported by a part of the scientists (for example, Professor Giorgio Palù): the epidemic has reached such a number that it does not make sense chasing all the asymptomatic, we rub only the symptomatic and the closest contacts. In the Ministry of Health they are perplexed: the tracking must continue, although with great difficulty, in any case, a quota of inadequate tests must be limited. Nowadays general practitioners sign the application for exams very easily, while the opening of schools has caused the system to fall into a tailspin, because every time you find a positive boy then all the colleagues, to resume the lessons, must demonstrate that they are. negatives. The system does not hold, and an alternative solution is rapid swabbing, which is increasingly widespread. Only in Lazio 250 thousand tests of this type have already been carried out, which however do not appear in the official data of the swabs carried out. The Ministry of Health, among other things, once it has the approval of the experts, will give a new value to this type of research (antigenic).
Today, if you test positive with this tool that returns the result in 30 minutes, you still have to do the molecular swab and it takes at least 48 hours for the response. The diagnosis will soon be made simply with the rapid: if the amount of antigen found is high, the subsequent step to the molecular one will not be necessary. Among scientists, many do not believe in the option of limiting tampons to only those with symptoms. Professor Luca Richeldi, member of the Scientific Technical Committee, explained the other day: “It would be a step backwards, we would return to the shortcomings of the first phase when the test was carried out only for symptomatic patients.” The epidemiologist Pier Luigi Lopalco, today the Puglia region’s health policy adviser, goes further: “If we really have to choose, we should do the molecular to the asymptomatic. I mean: in this emergency, anyone with symptoms of Covid should be followed up and treated, assuming they have that disease. Likewise, we must not stop tracking all contacts, even asymptomatic, with the tampon. In other words: we must always expand the circle, follow the contacts, otherwise the epidemic escapes.
On this issue, yesterday, the president of Emilia-Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, who leads the Conference of the Regions, wrote a letter to the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, better specifying the proposal of the governors “where it is impossible to fully trace contacts “:” The members of the family nucleus, in which the positive case was registered, must be isolated. If they are symptomatic, a rapid antigenic or molecular swab should be performed, while if they remain asymptomatic, the rapid or molecular swab will be performed at the end of the tenth day of isolation. ” To conclude: «Asymptomatic close contacts, once identified and isolated, will not necessarily be swabs, except in special cases that will be evaluated by public health services. It is clear that in the event that symptoms appear, the molecular swab will be performed immediately. “One worrying piece of information remains: with 21,000 positive cases, the monitoring system has failed. And new types of tests will increasingly be required fast, like salivary that will be usable soon
Last update: October 26 at 01:02