the Pd and the 5Stelle win but the signal is the demand for good administrators


For the Democratic Party of Nicola Zingaretti runoff from municipalities is the icing on the administrative cake: the center-left wins most of it, although at the time of writing the data is still partial. The phenomenon is national: the candidates of the center-left Reggio calabria (and it was not taken for granted); in Chieti, a traditional center-right bastion; Some administration is taken from the League in the area of ​​Milan (Corsico, Legnano) and in Tuscany (Cascina, the first municipality of the red region that passed to the right), they recover Genzano, near Rome, which 5 years ago had sensationally turned away to go with the 5 stars. Simplifying, it is not risky to write that the signal of good electoral health of the Democratic Party that emerged from the Regionals two weeks ago is also confirmed in the depths of Italy.

READ ALSO -> Municipal elections 2020, live voting results. Chieti in the center-left, ahead also in Reggio Calabria. M5S ahead in Matera. Reduction of participation to 50.6%

On a strictly political level, these ballots mark a novelty that should not be underestimated: the 5 Stelle – which with the double vote formula have also won in the past in Rome and Turin – this time bring home a discreet loot (Matera, Pomigliano d’Arco, Ariano Irpino) appreciates, however, the alliances with civic lists and in some municipalities explicitly with the Democratic Party.

Hence, both ruling parties are celebrating. And this is also a momentous development for the Italian administrative authorities. In fact, in the rounds of the last decade, those who ruled generally only registered bitterness from local votes. Five years ago Renzi was in Palazzo Chigi and surprisingly a whole series of historically “red” municipalities, such as Perugia, those of the Castelli Romani and others “jumped” towards the center-right and the 5Stelle.

Is this vote together with that of the regional one, therefore, a vote in favor of the government? In the same Pd, while celebrating, it tends to give a more complex reading. The point is, voters have long been calling for good administration over everything. Gone are the days of ideological voting or even simply protest. That is why the center-right has lost where it has presented candidates not considered up to the challenge of the administration. In Arezzo (or Venice) and in many other cities where the citizens considered the candidates of the Northern League, Brothers of Italy and Forza Italia better than those of the center-left, they voted them with avalanche.

The main interpretation of this vote is administrative: it is no longer enough to be against immigrants or in favor of increased spending on pensions to collect votes by hand. We need a ruling class capable of managing well. Those who have it can convince an electorate that perhaps, finally, it will be more mature, more secular and less ideological by local and administrative decisions.

