MACERATA – The Deputy Mayor is Francesca D’Alessandro (Fdi). Three councilors of the League with Oriana Piccioni in the Budget. Riccardo Sacchi (Forza Italia) is also dedicated to sports. Here are all the proxies

The presentation of the council in the Aeneid room
Sixteen days before the municipal elections, Mayor Sandro Parcaroli recently presented the new council in the Aeneid room of Palazzo Buonaccorsi. Nine councilors: five men and four women. The names anticipated in recent days by Cronache Maceratesi have been confirmed with the new entry Oriana Piccioni to the financial statements (read the article). TO Marco Caldarelli (Udc), former budget councilor for the center-left council headed by Carancini, delegates administrative services.

Francesca D’Alessandro is the Deputy Mayor
The deputy mayor will be Francesca D’Alessandro (Fdi) that will deal with social policies. To the other Councilor of the Brothers of Italy, Paolo renna, substitutes for security and decorum go. Culture and education a Katiuscia cassette, while the other councilor expression of the civic Parcaroli is Silvano Iommi (town planning). As announced, culture experiences an “unpacking”: cultural activities in Katiuscia Cassetta and events in Riccardo sacchi (Forza Italia) that also takes sport home by securing three important powers (the third is tourism). Three councilors for the League: in addition to Oriana Piccioni there are Andrea Marchiori to public works and Laura Laviano (environment and economic development). The presidency of the City Council will also go to the Salvini party (the first is convened on Monday) with Francesco Luciani.
“A few games were enough to build this team. And since we want to dream, we present ourselves in a place that makes you dream: the Aeneid room “ are the first words of Mayor Parcaroli.

The new council hits the field
Andrea Marchiori (Lega Salvini), 49 years old, lawyer and father of two children since 2015, opposition advisor. Councilor for Public Works, and will deal with public works, roads, maintenance and remodeling, infrastructure, cemetery services, school buildings and heritage.
Marco Caldarelli (Udc), 52 years old, married, 4 children, law graduate, lawyer, outgoing councilor with budgetary responsibility. He was elected city councilor on the UDC lists. Administrative Services Counselor, It will deal with demographic and statistical services, family, city relations, personnel, taxes, innovation and e-government, administrative simplification and youth policies.
Katuscia cassette (Sandro Parcaroli Mayor) 48 years old, married, two children, graduated in Law, is Vice President of the Board of Directors of the non-profit social cooperative San Giuseppe. He is a founding member of the associations Rocking moon me Friends of the Buonaccorsi Palace and from 2019 also Unicef Committee Macerata Delegation. Councilor for Culture and Education, It will deal with culture, cultural heritage, nursery schools and centers for young children, training, universities and academies of fine arts, advanced training.
Francesca D’Alessandro (Brothers from Italy), 48 years old, married, mother of three children. She has a degree in Modern Literature and professor of Italian language and literature, Latin, history and geography at the Liceo classico – linguistico de Macerata. From 2010 to 2015 she was councilor and group leader of the Macerata nel cuore civic list. Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Social Policies, It will deal with social policies, integration, inclusion, social cooperation and equal opportunities.
Silvano Iommi (Sandro Parcaroli Mayor), 71 years old, married with two children, with a degree in architecture, has been a professor of drawing at various technical institutes in Macerata, an autonomous architect and has held the position of president of the Order of Architects of the province of Macerata since 1985 to 1997. From 1998 to 1999 he was councilor for Town Planning. Councilor for Urban Planning, It will take care of urban and landscape planning, private construction, Suap and productive activities, heritage enhancement, historic center.
Laura Laviano (Lega Salvini), 49 years old, married with two children, she has a degree in veterinary medicine and an expert in non-epidemic emergencies and disaster medicine. Minister for the Environment and Economic DevelopmentIt will deal with the environment, energy policies, economic development, labor policies, hygiene and urban mobility, pets.
Oriana Maria Piccioni (Lega Salvini), 62 years old, registered in the Macerata Register of Public Accountants and Accounting Experts and in the MEF also with the qualification of Auditor of Local Authorities, since 1981 he works as an accountant and payroll service. Budget Counselor, It will deal with financial statements and investee companies.
Paolo renna (Fratelli d’Italia), 41 years old, married with two children, is an employee of Cosmari and since 2015 is a councilor in the ranks of Fratelli d’Italia. Councilor for Security and Decoration, will deal with local police, security and legality, civil protection, urban decoration, public parks, hamlets and neighborhoods.
Riccardo sacchi (Forza Italia), 49 years old, single, graduated in Law, by profession a lawyer, was a municipal councilor for the opposition. Councilor for Tourism, Sports and Events, will deal with tourism, events, sports, twinning, communication and marketing.
(CM editorial team, photo by Fabio Falcioni)