The parallel work of Forza Italia and 5 stars in the reform Month


“We need clarification, guys, so it’s hard to explain”, “This wavering and indecisive position ends up being indefensible”, “You have to put a piece”. The talks of the Forza Italia parliamentary groups in the middle of the afternoon are seething with perplexity and discontent. The two leaders of the group, Anna Maria Bernini and Mariastella Gelmini, and then the Berlusconian General Staff, intervene to calm the spirits, explaining that there was “a misunderstanding” between the “general” MONTH and the “health” MONTH. But the confusion continues, to the point where it is decided to wait to clarify when the conditions for “a peaceful confrontation” will be met. Silvio Berlusconi’s note that positions Forza Italia as no in view of the December 9 vote displaces his and destroys the party.

It so happened that Matteo Salvini, in view of the vote on the reform of the ESM, warned the allies: “Anyone in Parliament who approves this outrage, this damage for Italy and for future generations assumes a great responsibility. If most do, I’m not surprised. If some members of the opposition do so, they end up being fellow travelers of the League because the future of our children is endangered ”. Indirect message to Silvio Berlusconi: if you vote yes to the Month, goodbye to the center right. A different and much stronger position than that expressed by Giorgia Meloni after the “misfortune” of the blue acceleration on the budget variation: “The Month is the only issue on which we are divided and a different vote between us takes into account, but a division would not weigh on the maneuver as eventual. ”It must be said that for the League, from Bagnai to the leaders of the group Romeo and Molinari, the Month is a more politically decisive issue. Of course, this time it is the Captain who accelerates. having agreed nothing with “Silvio”.

Who, responds shortly with a note: “We will not support the reform of the ESM in Parliament because we do not believe that the modification of the Stability Mechanism approved by the Eurogroup is satisfactory for Italy and does not even go in the direction proposed by the European Parliament Unfortunately , our proposals were ignored. ”Important, but concise, the conclusion:“ The reform in question has nothing to do with the use of the 37 billion for the fight against Covid. ”In other words: here we are talking about the“ Banking Month ”Or institutional, not the“ sanitary ”for which, on the other hand, Forza Italia is in favor.

Too abrupt the reverse or too cryptic the difference between the two Mes, the truth is that a minute later inside Forza Italia the uproar explodes. Also because the spokesman Giorgio Mulé this morning in “Omnibus” had expressed himself in a completely different direction in the vote on December 9: “It is a positive tool for Italy, Fi has always been in favor”. But in truth the distance between the “ruling” soul and the “sovereign” soul of the Berlusconi party – with relative friction – had already come out before. When Licia Ronzulli had anticipated the leader’s position: “Forza Italia will vote no, the problem does not exist. Osvaldo Napoli, a deputy very distant (like Gianfranco Rotondi and others) from the Northern League positions, had jumped: “Do you speak for Berlusconi or Salvini, since the official position has not yet been decided? Giorgia Meloni advances: “I thank Berlusconi for following us”. All the Brothers in Italy go out in agencies expressing joy at the “compactness of the center-right”.

In the House, even more than in the Senate, the majority of the blue group is in shock. “The blackmail of Salvini” is the most widespread interpretation. Revenge for Berlusconi’s “inelegant ad” on the budget gap. And a muscular performance to reiterate: center-right leader c’est moi. The clarifications and distinctions of the Berlusconian General Staff are of little use: “Today we are discussing the ratification to reform the“ general ”Month, which the Italian government has accepted and which for us is unsatisfactory, and we have been saying it for many months. The ESM “health” is something else, a line of credit designed specifically for the pandemic, which must be accessed. There are no contradictions ”.

For many, however, the omelette is ready. At least at the media and political level. “We have lost the credibility and the reputation of responsible opposition that we had earned – a” governor “shakes his head – That reform had been voted on by all the parties adhering to the EPP … They will ask us if we are crazy …”. To put it (almost) clearly is the Turin deputy Daniela Ruffino: “From Merkel to Kurz, everyone voted in favor. I take the liberty of urging President Berlusconi to reflect more before we find ourselves in a condition of isolation within the EPP ”.

Yes, because the most accurate interpretation comes from a long-time senator. And it is not that – immediate – of the simple revenge of the League in terms of political centrality. But this: “Berlusconi moved with the vote on the budget gap to keep his party together. Salvini has now moved to hasten its disintegration. The war continues ”.

Tensions also in the M5S: the month continues to divide

In view of Giuseppe Conte’s communications in Parliament on the European Council scheduled for the 10th and 11th, it is not only Forza Italia that is fibrillating. Tensions and suspicions also explode within the M5S. He held his breath especially in the Senate, where the numbers dance. Now, after the re-compaction of the center-right. Giallorossi’s coalition will have to rely solely on its own forces. On paper, the available votes would be 165, but defections are expected in the 5-star house.

Among the most critical is the Ligurian senator Mattia Crucioli. “The resolution? I am working on it together with my colleagues from the Finance and Budget Committees. We will try to adopt a position that at least aims to postpone the signing of this treaty. I hope that this position will be a majority in the M5S, so that the Movement can say compactly to the majority partners ‘we cannot vote this because it goes against the resolution of December 2019’ ”.

This reform, Crucioli insists, “is a weapon aimed at the heads of the states that do not have to honor the debts contracted even outside the line of credit of the Month, since most creditors could request a restructuring of their debt” . Italy should not sign this treaty, which reinforces credit positions that contrast with the current interest of the country without producing a simultaneous formal advance on other instruments, such as Eurobonds and Edis “, or a kind of deposit insurance at European level. .

A position very similar to that of Lega, FdI and, as of today, also Berlusconi. That in the Five Stars, however, is not isolated. Political leader Vito Crimi has already said that the Movement will not hinder the approval of changes to the treaties. “Perhaps,” Crucioli attacks, “yours is a personal position. Did they vote for Rousseau? Did Crimi consult with the groups? Did you hear the base? I do not know. At this point, why not submit this delicate issue to the vote of the members? ”.

If the M5S supports the treaty reform, several elected officials could leave the Movement. Crucioli explains: “Of course, if that were the majority’s resolution, I would not vote on it and evaluate the consequences. It would be unpleasant, unedifying. But I am not doing it because of a matter of principle: I think that the MES is something morally wrong, dangerous and not convenient for Italy. Everyone will do their own evaluations. Nothing has been decided yet: don’t come and tell us that everything is closed, ”concludes Senator Pentatellato.

Barbara Lezzi, loyal to Alessandro Di Battista, and her colleague Elio Lannutti are part of the ‘anti-Mes’ patrol, among others. The former Minister of the South agreed with the words of Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, according to which the reform of the treaty “is pejorative”: “We cannot allow the worsening of an instrument that could end, in the future, in the hands of a government in which the M5S may not even exist. Good policy must have a vision of the future “, Lezzi writes on Facebook. Lannutti’s central idea comes through Twitter:” The reform of the Month facilitates the imposition of debt restructuring, with the cut of the values ​​”, writes the senator,” one more crime after the Greek tragedy “.
