The Papu Shatters the Tapir – Photo Gomez: “Striscia’s version is fake”


The Papu Shatters the Tapir - Photo Gomez:

Staffelli tried to deliver the Tapir to the Argentine striker of Atalanta in Zingonia. According to the reconstruction of the broadcast, in a fit of anger he threw the statuette at the crew. He defends himself: “I did not throw any object at the envoy.”

The correspondent for Striscia la Notizia tried to deliver the Golden Tapir to Papu Gómez, but the Argentine player did not want to answer Staffelli’s questions and according to the reconstruction of the Canale 5 troupe, he threw the statuette at the envoy. tearing it apart.

The history of the Papu in Ig

The history of the Papu in Ig

meThe player in an Instagram story refuted the version leaked by the satirical broadcast: «The version of events circulating about the history of Striscia la Notizia, writes Papu, it’s completely false. I never threw any object at the envoy of the program in question. I only have chosen one – how is my right – dI do not receive anything and I do not answer questions, with the utmost respect for those who do their work.

Striscia’s version, on the other hand, was the one that was broadcast in the afternoon and that is that Staffelli tried to talk to the Argentine footballer without having any response and after several attempts to give him the Tapiro, he decided to give up and leave it on the hood of the car. It would have been a short time later, when the Canale 5 troupe was about to leave – removed by some members of the “Goddess” among them Zapata and Gosens – that Gómez with a fit of anger had thrown the statuette in the direction of the envoy, without hit it. but tearing it apart.

The Papu breaks the Staffelli tapir

The Papu breaks the Staffelli tapir

The non-delivery service will be broadcast on Monday, December 21 at Striscia la Notizia in Canale 5, at 8:35 p.m.

The Papu breaks the Staffelli tapir

The Papu breaks the Staffelli tapir


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