the pain of his wife Federica Cappelletti


Editorial Board
13 December 2020 12:24

“I don’t even have the strength to speak. Paul’s death was not enough, the stress of these exhausting days was not enough, the pain of all of us was not enough. They wanted to muddy him even on the day that all of Italy mourned him”. So Federica Cappelletti, Wife Paolo rossi, talking with him Qn-National Daily-The Nationcommented the robbery of robbers and jackals He entered the ’82 World Cup hero’s villa while the funeral was being held in Vicenza. The theft was discovered yesterday afternoon after 7:00 p.m., when the caretaker of the farm with farmhouse Poggio Cennina, in Valdambra, in the municipality of Bucine, in the province of Arezzo, went to check Pablito’s apartment, with views upon their return. at the house of his wife Federica and children.

The thieves in the house of Paolo Rossi during the funeral

According to an initial reconstruction of the carabinieri of the company of San Giovanni Valdarno (Arezzo), as reported by the Adnkronos, the thieves forced a window in the kitchen and then, once inside, they began to turn the rooms around Rossi’s house , rummaging through drawers and turning everything upside down. The criminals were able to act with some calm also because, apparently, the alarm system had not been activated. Before leaving, to guarantee impunity, the thieves also smashed the video surveillance device, so as not to find the images of the incident captured by the cameras. The carabinieri intervened on site for surveys with military personnel assigned to scientific research.

What thieves stole from Paolo Rossi’s house

On a first brief inspection, only his Rolex watch, particularly loved by the former soccer player, and the cash sum of 150 euros would disappear from Paolo Rossi’s apartment. On the other hand, neither Rossi’s soccer trophies nor medals would have been touched. But only in the next few days will a more precise inventory be made of the damages and shortages of his wife Federica. The burglaries took place in a precise period of time: between 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 11, when the farmer checked the house for the last time, and 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 12, when the open window was discovered because it had been forced.

The investigators of the weapon do not exclude that the thieves monitored for many hours from the vicinity of the farm all the movements that took place in the area before committing the coup.

federica cappelletti paolo rossi ansa2-2

Source: The Nation →
