The pain of everything like
Mayor Landriscina
“It will be a city of mourning”
The mayor’s announcement. Fontana: “An example.” Locatelli: “Man at the service of others.” Magatti: “Nobody speculates.” Butti: “Let the prefect intervene.” Veronelli: “Dark night in Como”
The whole town learned to their dismay of Don’s murder. Roberto Malgesini. Mayor Mario landriscinaAs soon as he found out what had happened, he went to Piazza San Rocco. Then, the announcement that a day of mourning will be proclaimed for the city. The memory of the director of Caritas, Fr. Roberto Bernasconi, is moved: “Don Roberto has dedicated his entire life to the little ones.”
The President of the Region, Attilio fontana, published a message on Facebook: «I join the Como community that mourns the death of Don Roberto Malgesini, attacked this morning by a homeless man to whom the priest had brought comfort. For years, Don Roberto brought hot meals to the poor of the city at dawn. A life dedicated to the little ones, an example for all ».
CGIL, CISL and UIL express their condolences to the families and people close to Don Roberto Malgesini. “He was a priest committed, to the end, in helping the little ones – they declare Umberto Colombo, Daniele magón me Salvatore monteduro, Provincial General Secretaries of the CGIL, CISL and UIL – precisely out of respect for your work, we hope that what happened is not taken advantage of. Always respecting Don Roberto’s commitment, it is no longer possible to postpone a conscience on the part of the institutions and politics to find solutions to the mental and social malaise of the city, a path that goes in the opposite direction to marginalization ».
«One last goodbye to Don Roberto, a man at the service of others, in the front line – he says Alessandra locatelli, member of the Northern League – Always calm, always friendly. In addition to the pain and anger of this unjustifiable atrocity, there remains the void that it will leave in the many people who surrounded him.
Over the years, Don Roberto had collaborated with the Cisl dei Laghi, in particular Anolf Como, to help asylum seekers in handling documents. Then remember Rosangela Pifferi, President of Anolf Como: “We will not forget his smile that never faded despite difficulties, his example of unconditional love and generosity will remain alive in our hearts.”
Alessandro fermi, the president of the regional council is moved: «They called you priest of the smallest because you dedicated your life to the last. Dress them, feed them, listen to them. He would often give up his own food to feed him. There are no adequate words in the face of the sudden tragedy of what will remain an unjustified death. We thank you for what you have managed to do and also for all that you wanted to achieve, but could not do it. Thank you #DonRoberto, I know you will continue to smile, always, even from up there ».
«For two years I have been saying, explaining and writing that, in the absence of decisive interventions by any competent authority, the ‘reception situation’ runs the risk of slipping on the inclined plane of resignation, superficiality and the slogan and therefore of the social alarm. Recovering, then, is increasingly difficult: the parliamentarian writes on Facebook Alessio butti – I have invoked the intervention of the health authorities to take care of the mental illness – much more widespread than you think – of foreigners in the city. I invited the government authorities to proceed with the expulsion / repatriation of illegal immigrants. If it were found that the murderer is not only irregular but also with deportation measures not executed … there would be some punishment to punish, I asked the municipality for greater control of the phenomena, avoiding human and citizen degradation of the arcades. By the way, which grid would have stopped the murder? The question is broad, articulated, complex. The prefect, as the highest government authority in the area, immediately intervenes by calling all institutional levels to decide who should do what, how and when. Maybe also take a look at the proposals that I have been making for a couple of years with many others and solve the problem of the San Rocco district, transformed into “a state within a state”. A prayer for the poor priest and clarity on the whole matter. Righ now”.
On a note, the Democratic Party with the parliamentary leader also took a position Chiara braga and the regional councilor Angelo Orsenigo: «We are out of breath at the murder of Don Roberto Malgesini, a priest and person of exceptional humanity who chose to work in the streets, together with the smallest and most marginalized and to whom he never denied help, love and mercy. Shy and reserved, Don Roberto has always committed himself to the weakest, without asking for anything for himself. His death, which took place in such a violent and senseless way, leaves everyone stunned and heartbroken. In a world where altruism, charity and humanity are increasingly scarce and incredibly precious resources, Don Roberto leaves a sudden and tragically insurmountable void for Como and our entire community.
“It is a disconcerting tragedy that awakens deep pain. Don Roberto has always been at the forefront and has always stood out for his solidarity and the spirit of sacrifice shown towards the weakest ”, he says. Raffaele Erba, regional councilor of the 5 Star Movement.
“At this time – he adds – we all have the duty to unite in prayer to remember an extraordinary man who dedicated his mission to others before an atrocious fate took him away.”
Fabio Aleotti, head of the M5s group in the Como City Council, declares: “I had the honor of meeting Don Roberto during the countless initiatives aimed at those most in need, he was a special person who dedicated his life to those in difficulty, I pray for his soul now in paradise, among the just.
Bruno Magatti, The municipal councilor, entrusted a first reflection to a post on Facebook: «For those who have had the good of knowing him, he continues to be a man, a priest, who has chosen to bear witness to the meekness of proximity that asks for nothing, nothing wait. He who shortened his life will never understand how wicked his gesture was. Everything will be said now. But this is not the time to analyze. His image, meek and silent, remains before all of us, his gestures of gratuitous, generous and loving closeness to those people who with their presence occupy the space of the gloom of our society, where abandonment moves, where hope is lacking is expressed In a daily routine of files, rage and desolation, no one dares to speculate about his death, it would be the vilest of insults. Instead, treasure what you wanted and knew how to teach us with your life in the midst of what Pope Francis has long indicated to us as the “waste” of a rich and indifferent society ».
Full of pain the comment of Anna veronelli, president of the municipal council: «The darkest night just fell in Como this morning. Don Roberto, peacemaker, big and generous heart, man of God ».
«He did it for others, for the last, for the #migrants, 365 days a year. Every morning, throughout life, in the working silence that is the stigma of the Righteous – says the Csv Centro Servizi Volontariato Como – Don Roberto from the parish of #sanrocco interpreted his vocation in an absolute, clear, clear way, without mediation. This is also why many young #volunteers followed him, respected him, loved him. Our thoughts go to them, to the pain they feel right now. To the loss of an entire community of people – many – who work to welcome and integrate migrants in #How. They are the city that wakes up at sunrise, summer and winter, and walks through the neighborhoods, underpasses, in places known only to those who really want to see. They look for homeless people, still asleep and wrapped in blankets. They offer them a hot cup along with a friendly smile. ‘