the other child entrusted to family members September 3, 2020


The reconstruction hypothesized by the researchers – if confirmed – is to shake the wrists: the girl who was found lifeless last night in a flowerbed in RoccapiemonteAfter giving birth, she would be thrown from the second floor of the apartment in which she was born. A “serious suspicion”, Report investigative sources, supported by the elements collected in the hours immediately after the discovery.

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The arrest of the parents

Clues that last night led to the execution of a suspect in a crime against his parents. Pending the autopsy that will give certain answers about what happened, the father, 47, is in prison a Salerno; the mother, 42 years old, is guarded in the hospital “Umberto I“of Nocera Inferiore where she was transferred after giving birth. The accusation against them is complicity in murder. Research conducted by carabinieri of the Mercato San Severino company, led by the largest Alessandro Cisternino and coordinated by the assistant attorney Roberto Lenza, almost immediately led the couple, who resided in the condominium under which the body of the newborn was found. The chilling discovery was made around 6pm yesterday by a resident who, while on his way to take thecar in garageHe noticed the corpse, naked, in a flowerbed under a hedge. A first external examination had already revealed the presence of a head injury. In the couple’s apartment, then, the military found elements that made it possible to know the birth with certainty. What happened next and why, however, are yet to be understood. The coroner in the next few hours Giuseppe Consalvo will perform an autopsy that could provide useful elements for investigative purposes. Meanwhile, the researchers tried to dig into the past of the two: the woman had had previous health problems. The couple also have another 17-year-old son who has been entrusted to some relatives. The whole is in shock Agro Nocerino Sarnese.
