The ordinary school competition, Azzolina for selective competitions, is required by the Constitution – School News


On the ordinary competition, the Minister of Education Azzolina returns to give her opinion. In fact, the Senate Committee reiterates that school contests are there to begin with. It starts in October, although the head of Education would have liked to be ahead of the times and already foresee school competitions in the summer months.

The competition numbers

With advance notice, 78 thousand places to hire new teachers, of which the school will be in great need on September 14.

The Minister explains: “We had more than 76,000 requests to participate in the ordinary competition for childhood and primary school, more than 430,000 for secondary and higher levels. These are the data that emerge from the survey conducted by the Ministry of Education after the deadline for submitting applications: the deadline was set for July 31. Otherwise, there are approximately 64,000 requests for participation submitted for the extraordinary procedure for the placement of teachers in the role of secondary I and II grade, with at least three years of service ”.

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The choice of competition by competencies

A contest open to those who have already gained experience in school but also to those who are particularly young and want to enter the world of school for the first time as a teacher, aspiring to the role, to enter through the front door, well, rather than through that. of service: this is the function of the competition for skills and merits. A battle that the Minister of Education has sometimes fought against the opinion of the unions, more inclined, perhaps, to competition for qualifications.

And the minister thus closes the delicate question: “We wanted selective competitions, as required by the Constitution, diversified, of course, to give those who have been teaching years behind them the fair recognition of the path traveled, but serious”.
