the online (and later deleted) photos that put cast iron to shame – Libero Quotidiano


Michele Focarete

Those who are supposed to control do not control themselves. Nearby neighbors, without a mask, with smiling group photos after posting tables full of food on Facebook: pizzas, cold cuts and sweets. And, on the images of the party, the words: “Greetings from the Covid switchboard in via Drago”. And yes, the very group of local police officers who should be punishing those who do not respect the strict rules of these days. The same people who enter homes to verify that quarantines are observed. Those who ensure that the openings and closings of activities are respected. They supervise meetings, review self-certifications, and monitor movements on public transportation.

The same agents and officials who last October received praise from the mayor, Beppe Sala, “for the extraordinary commitment and decisive contribution made to the emergency caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, which resulted, without a solution and without energy savings, in the effective and constant readjustment of the organizational procedures of the Corps, in proposing responses to the multiple needs of the citizenry, guaranteeing support for the weakest categories and, at the same time, coordinating the Corps’ activities aimed at the use of public transport, reopening of commercial activities and the beginning of the school season in compliance with the rules for the protection of public health ”.

But how? They, who should set a good example to enforce the law, have infiltrated a group party, including inside the anti-Covid office in via Drago. All together, all together, with wide soubrette smiles, despite the Dpcm and all those good iron citizens and respectful citizens. Not only that: regardless of the controversy and disciplinary sanctions, they posted their photos on December 23 on Facebook, receiving about 40 likes and about 10 comments. In truth, not everyone is benevolent, like: “Isn’t there Covid there?” Lawsuits that should have convinced the group to withdraw the mail at Christmas, when the omelette was already made.

But there is more. In the group, there was also an old acquaintance of the news, brought to the attention of a large public by the television program Le Iene, when last October a report was broadcast on the cast iron of the narcotics that would do business with drug traffickers . Towards the end of the video, a woman, the head of the offending group, intervened and took the colleagues away saying that there was nothing to say and that the superiors would report it. The service broadcast on television had struck like a cyclone on the cast iron body and on the Milan City Council, which had immediately transferred the alleged culprits, placing themselves at the disposal of the judicial authority.

And, precisely among the alleged culprits, was the policewoman later transferred to the anti-Coronavirus office. The same immortalized with fellow revelers. What will happen now? A large group of combatants said they were outraged and willing to ask the command for explanations. The Deputy Mayor, with delegation to the Local Police, Anna Scavuzzo, questioned about it, despite having seen the incriminated photos, did not want to make a statement. The indignant officers also point the finger at the formation of these nuclei, the anti-drug, the anticovid. “Those of the anti-drug”, explains an agent who wants to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals, “should only have checked public parks, where there are children, to prevent him from dying before their eyes. Instead, they investigate criminals who traffic in drugs, even if they are policemen or carabinieri. Investigations into drug traffickers, let them do it to those who have that task.
