Fights, gatherings and parties. Then the videos, photos, stories that bounce on WhatsApp chat and then on dozens of social channels like Instagram, Telegram, Facebook and Tik Tok. Hence the mania of protagonism that is thrown into the cauldron of the virtual world from the different squares accessible 24 hours a day before the emergence of the Coronavirus. Projected on iPhone screens to simply say “I was there”.
This is the common thread that appears to be behind the fight that broke out in Villa Borghese on Saturday where police later detained and identified ten teenagers, and the same number managed to escape when police arrived. Arrived at the center from the residential neighborhoods of the capital, Talenti, Salario and Nomentano, the oldest of them is just 14 years old. For this reason, once they were identified, their parents were entrusted with the information that reached the desk of the Judicial Power, which must now evaluate the position of the ten Roman “children”.
As it turned out, in fact, the violence in Piazza di Siena, which took place in front of dozens of passersby and witnesses, would be the result of a dispute between two boys. Arrived with their respective groups in the historic center, once the ‘fist fight’ began between the two rivals, the respective friends would have gathered in a circle, to create a kind of modern arena, with the clear intention of resuming the ‘beating’ with the respective phones and then make them viral on social media.
A possible fight avoided by the intervention of the police. In fact, there were dozens of policemen, in uniform and plainclothes, waiting for them at the door. Police, Carabinieri, Local Police and Guardia di Finanza that began to control the hot zones since the early hours of Saturday, from piazzale delle Canestre to piazzale Flaminio, passing through the Pincio, via del Corso and piazza del Popolo as established last Thursday before the presence of the Prefect of Rome in the Provincial Committee for Order and Security.
Closed metro stations
Bad extremes and extreme remedies that later led the police to request the closure of the Spagna and Flaminio metro stations from 4:20 pm, reopening shortly before 7:00 pm.
The Brawl of the Pincio
In fact, there were strong fears that the viral images of the fight in the Pincio would be repeated seven days earlier, with the relaunch of social networks “the second round” while investigators reviewed the videos, which later led the police to identify to the rioters. , with three minors under investigation and a confiscated pistol.
Party at home in via Nazionale
“Botte” but not only that, also this weekend the police had to intervene to interrupt private parties among young people and dissolve gatherings in what before the confinement were the nightlife squares frequented by young Romans. In this context, for example, the police interrupted a party among young Spanish students with 17 boys found celebrating in an apartment in Via Nazionale, not far from the Rome Police Headquarters.
Meetings in Trastevere and Piazza Navona
Encounters also found by Local Police officers who sanctioned ten boys who drank without respecting the measures imposed by the Dpcm to counteract the spread of Covid19 in Piazza San Calisto in Trastevere and in Piazza Navona.
Boredom and party mood
Boredom and desire to party that were not lacking last weekend with the police who have verified numerous violations. At the EUR and Piazza Santi Apostoli, where some 2,000 missing children gathered at the arrival of the carabinieri, in Piazza Bologna, where Arma’s soldiers interrupted an Erasmus party with 34 Spanish students gathered in a 70-square-meter apartment. But also in Parioli, where an aperitif without a mask later turned into a physical attack on the agents of the Local Police of Rome Capital.