The obligation of outdoor masks in the next Lazio.


The obligation of outdoor masks in Lazio. “It is among the hypotheses that we are studying, and today there is an obligation in the national territory from 6 in the afternoon. We are evaluating whether to extend the h24 “obligation: the president of the Lazio Region Nicola Zingaretti yesterday he spoke only of hypotheses but the Corriere della Sera Rome He writes today that the ordinance is ready: a measure announced in the face of the epidemic curve that yesterday reached the absolute record of infections (265, of which 55 more than on Wednesday).

The obligation of outdoor masks in Lazio.

The measure aims to contain infections, which have increased in the region in recent days, and would particularly affect all those situations in which social distancing is not possible. The introduction ofmandatory mask It should arrive before the weekend, so it also contains possible infections in nightlife areas where gatherings are easily created in front of clubs and in some areas of Rome and other centers of the provinces.

The particular obligation will be addressed to all situations involving the presence of several people, including family gatherings. In this sense, at the beginning the hypothesis was also raised a possible reduction in the number of participants in parties and ceremonies, a kind of contingent number, but a hypothesis currently superseded by the mandatory adoption of the mask.

Meanwhile, the national primacy of hospitalizations is confirmed, 666 patients (+7), of which 49 in intensive care. But the red code arrived with the Rt index, useful for assessing the risk of Covid transmissibility, which, as RomaToday writes, jumped to 1.09: it had not exceeded 1 since mid-July. “The priority for schools, universities and work: we must adopt all possible preventive countermeasures”, underlines the governor of Lazio, announcing the next restrictions: guard but “without panic”, he explains inviting everyone to “a spirit of responsibility individual “”.

“Baby swabs with every sneeze”

Meanwhile, the president of the Order of Doctors of Rome, Antonio Magi, consulted on the subject by the Dire agency, assures that it is necessary for a child to carry a tampon with every cold or sneeze: “The risk today is to overload the number of tampons requested, especially with open schools, but at the moment we have no other solutions ”. “To avoid contagion – continues Magia – at this time it is necessary to be as cautious as possible and take swabs. It is true that if at the first sign you find yourself having to do a swab, the situation becomes complex. Just as it would be there. The end ‘if for every child who comes to school and coughs, all their classmates are forced to go home and get swabs every day. The hyssop, adds the president of Omceo Roma, is not a “health walk – Mag adds – and other types of tests are being tested, which we hope will be less invasive.”

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“What’s disheartening is that we give children swabs for every sneeze, but then we find ourselves arguing about whether or not 25,000 people enter a stadium,” Magi continues. “In our country there are contradictions,” he continues, “sometimes economic reasons prevail over health reasons, but you have to bet on priority and make decisions, in addition to being more consistent.” So in your opinion, to reopen the stadiums, obviously with contingent tickets, just don’t talk about it? “Absolutely not – answers Magi to Dire – the problem is not keeping the distance inside the stadium, but letting 25 thousand people enter and then leave through the gates. I don’t think they can stay two meters apart … “.
