The “slide” of the expansion contract It can be used to allow employees who wish to retire 5 years before the time of the old-age pension. The amendment approved by the House budget committee provides for a package of state contributions to be included in the new budget law.
Retired 5 years prior
In practice, with the measure included in the 2021 maneuver, companies with at least 250 employees will be able to remove workers, with their consent, 5 years after the retirement pension, with the minimum contribution requirement, or in advance. The employer pays compensation for the entire slide. The state puts up to 24 months of Naspi. For companies with at least 500 employees, in addition to all this, there is the possibility of activating another 18 weeks of layoffs, with a reduction in hours of up to 30%. Companies with more than a thousand employees must hire 1 resource every 3 trips, but Naspi’s discount is extended for 12 months,
The expansion contract: this is how it works
The new budget law redesigns the expansion contract to manage job transitions at the end of the layoffs blocking (March 31). As of April, it is estimated that at least 6 thousand workers will be interested in accessing the ramp to the early retirement because they will not be more than 5 years (60 months) to obtain the right to the old-age pension or early pension.
The technical report on the amendment explains that for 5,250 workers the state contribution can go up to 24 months, for the remaining 750 (workers in companies with more than a thousand employees) public aid can be extended up to three years in total. This is an estimate based on the hypothesis of an average monthly salary of about 2,800 euros.
But how does the exodus to facilitated treatment work? To activate the extension contract, an agreement between the company and the government is required: with the termination of the employment relationship, the company will pay the worker a monthly allowance in accordance with the gross pension earned at the time of termination of the employment relationship. As the Sun 24 hours, The novelty with respect to the current regulations introduced two years ago is that from 2021 the payment to be paid by the employer for the entire theoretical period of Naspi due to the worker is reduced and that the payment of contributions to social security useful for the Achievement of the right to early retirement is reduced by an amount equivalent to the sum of the notional contribution. This means that the extension contract is a little cheaper even for the smallest companies, compared to the largest ones, which under current legislation can also make use of the solidarity funds or the iso-pension of the Fornero law.