The novelties in the maneuver: from the superbonus to the cig for the self-employed. The Chamber approves it with 298 yes. The text in the Senate for the final ok


the super bonus throughout 2022, the Cig until 800 euros For him autonomous, incentives forautomotive but also aid for the return of moms at work and leave by and father extended to 10 days. Are these Advertisements introduced by the maneuver, the government’s ninth economic policy intervention since the advent of the Covid pandemic. The 40 billion budget law was passed by the House of House with 298 yes, 125 no and 8 abstentions. The text will now change to Senate for fast passage and final approval that must arrive strictly before the end of the year. At the time of the vote, the Prime Minister was also present in Montecitorio Giuseppe Conte.

The most he leaned compactly for the yes. “The maneuver was strengthened and enriched by the sensitivity of territories and categories ”, declared the pentastellato Giuseppe Buompane, claiming “the extension of the superbonus to all of 2022What however is “just a first step: we will do everything possible to extend it to all of 2023,” he adds to the applause of his group. The Democratic Party, through the group leader on the Budget Committee Ubaldo Pagano, recalled that in the midst of “the worst emergency in its history, it is important that Parliament knew how to act beyond the differences. Cultural diversity has united us and for that we must thank all the majority and opposition comrades ”. Satisfied too Italy Long Live, although the renziano Mauro Del Barba spared no further attack on the prime minister, accusing the government of having handed over the text of the law to Parliament “with a delay never seen before in the history of our Republic “.

As expected, the opposition came from the opposite opinion, which also collaborated in the writing of the text. “Exist major unsolved issues, it is a disappointing measure ”, the leader of the Forza Italia group told the Chamber Mariastella gelmini, announcing his party’s vote against. “We have chosen to be a Republican opposition: respect for Italians must come before partisan gains in a so delicate phaseHowever, underlines the blue representative, referring to the collaboration with the majority due to the budget variation. Brothers from Italy instead, he states that he tried to “make proposals and some have even been received: from social safety nets for the self-employed to the earthquake, through financing for equals but they remain much waste“, has explained Francesco Lollobrigida., reiterating the No of the Melonians. And so did the League.

All the news in the maneuver

SUPERBONUS UNTIL DECEMBER 30. Green light for the expansion to 110% of the superbonus of energy efficiency of buildings and anti-seismic security for the whole of 2022. The extension is until June 30, 2022, but in the next six months the works can be completed, so yes . It is a formula of six months plus six months, which extends the extension until December 2022.

AUTONOMOUS CIG 800 EURO. Green light for the compensation of the self-employed and professionals, pending reform of the social safety nets. The compensation is recognized, upon request, to persons registered in separate management who carry out self-employment activities by habitual profession and who are not holders of direct pension treatment and are not insured with other mandatory forms of social security; they are not recipients of citizenship income; Having an income of less than 8,145 euros in the year prior to filing the application and having registered in the year prior to filing the application, a 50% decrease in the average self-employment income achieved in the previous three years. The amount cannot exceed 800 euros per month or be less than 250 euros per month.

BUSINESS EXPANSION CONTRACT. He approved our amendment to the Maneuver extending the expansion contract to companies with more than 250 employees.

RSA. Endowment of 40 million euros for the sanitation of structures and supply of masks for health residences for the disabled and day centers for the elderly and for people with disabilities, the RSA.

ANTI-COVID INDEMNITY POLICE AND VVF. Free to Police, Assignment Resources, Firefighters and Police Prisons by 2021 for additional services due to Covid.

PARENT’S PERMISSION. Mandatory parental leave for parents increases from 7 to 10 days from 2021.

MOMS AT WORK. Allocation of 50 million to facilitate the return to work of new mothers. The resources are destined to support and enhance the organizational measures adopted by companies to favor the return to work of working mothers after giving birth.

MOMS WITH DISABLED CHILDREN. Green light for a monthly allowance of 500 euros for single mothers unemployed or with a single income with a child who has a disability of at least 60%.

MOST FAKE MOMS. Fund with an endowment of 1.5 million euros per year for each year from 2021 to 2023 to finance the reception of imprisoned parents with children in family homes

CARER. The endowment of the fund created in the Ministry of Labor for interventions for family caregivers reaches 30 million.

FREE TRIAL AGAINST CANCER. Genomic testing for early stage breast cancer is reimbursed.

NEONATALE TEST. One of the measures of the maneuver allocates 15 million euros for a total of three years for neonatal screening, in particular for mandatory neonatal diagnostic tests for the prevention and treatment of inherited metabolic diseases, neuromuscular genetic diseases, severe congenital immunodeficiencies and Lysosomal storage diseases.

ENDOMETRIOSIS. Spending of one million per year for three years has also been approved for the study, research and evaluation of the incidence of endometriosis.

TECHNICAL INSTITUTES. Green light for 20 million euros to reinforce projects aimed at strengthening the higher technical education and training system and improving the employability of young graduates.

RENTALS STUDENTS. Endowment of 15 million euros to support the payment of rents for external students.

FESTIVAL AND JAZZ. Fund of 3 million euros to support festivals, choirs, bands and jazz music.

HIGHER FURNITURE BONUS. The limit of the 50% deduction for the purchase of furniture and appliances, the so-called furniture bonus, is raised to 16 thousand euros.

STOP IMU TOURISM. Stop paying the first installment of the IMU 2021 for the tourism and entertainment sectors.

STOP AUTONOMOUS CONTRIBUTIONS. Green light to the Fund of 1 billion euros in 2021 for the exemption of social security contributions owed by the self-employed and professionals. To access the fund, the worker must have received an income of not more than 50 thousand euros in fiscal year 2019 and have registered a decrease in turnover in 2020 of not less than 33% compared to the previous year.

SUGAR TAX NEL 2022. New postponement to January 1, 2022 for the entry into force of the sugar tax.

ASBESTOS. Green light to compensation, through the asbestos fund, for workers suffering from non-professional mesothelioma at the expense of Inail with a single payment of 10,000 euros per worker.
