The nodes of the income of citizenship


The first tranche of the subsidy will expire on September 30 for the approximately 410 thousand families that had applied for citizenship entry in March 2019. After 18 months of the implementation of the economic aid measure, which was strongly desired by Movement 5 Stars to reduce poverty in the country but also to favor the labor insertion of those who did not have a job, some critical aspects still persist: both because, according to many observers, the “pact for work” foreseen in the citizen income agreement was not so effective, and because now there is an important innovation for the renewal of the citizen income application.

Citizen income is recognized for a maximum period of 18 months to households in possession of certain requirements related to citizenship and the economic and financial situation: for example, it is necessary to have an ISEE of less than 9,360 euros per year and a real estate asset different from the first home for less than 30 thousand euros. According to the data collected by the INPS Statistical Observatory, updated to September 8, in 2020 1 million and 248 thousand households received at least a monthly income from citizens, for a total of around 3 million and 165 thousand people, with a check monthly of 569.95 euros on average.

How did you rebuild the Sole 24 Mineral In two articles published today in the print edition, on September 30 the measure will expire for 410 thousand households, and by the end of the year in total more than half of the families that currently benefit from the income of citizens will have been involved: 635 thousand households in the million 160 thousand families that receive the subsidy, a total of 1 million 588 thousand people. Most of the households that benefit from the income of the citizenship to which the disbursement will expire between now and the end of the year live in Campania (125,419), Sicily (114,387), Puglia (59,015), Lazio (56,020) and Lombardy ( 49,098).

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Families whose income will expire on September 30 can request the renewal of the measure for another 18 months as long as there is a one-month break in service. It should be noted that in 35 percent of the households that currently benefit from the income of citizenship there are minors, while in 18.8 percent there are people with disabilities. In addition, family members who have requested the renewal of their citizenship income and are able to work must accept the first useful job offer proposed in the “agreement”, even if it is in a region other than the one of residence, otherwise the family will lose the right to receive the benefit.

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Citizen income, in fact, has a double objective: to support families with financial aid, but also to promote social and labor inclusion projects and facilitate the search for employment through the orientation of so-called browser, the approximately 3,000 public employees who provide consulting services in traditional employment centers, providing support to employees of the National Employment Agency (ANPAL). However, in the first 18 months, the contribution of citizens’ income to the reduction of unemployment does not seem to have produced the desired results.

Adults who are part of households that currently receive income from citizenship and who are of legal age, do not work and are not studying, and therefore, according to the requirements established by the decree, are considered able to work, they are 1 million 230 thousand. So far, however, job offers under the “pact” have been only 220,000 and only 196,000 people have found work. In addition, according to data from the employment centers, only 71.5 percent of the people considered suitable for a job offer showed up for the appointment, and of the 507,000 who showed up, almost 70,000 were exempt from childcare charges. or severely disabled people. In total, so far, about 21 thousand people have been sanctioned for having violated the “labor agreement” for various reasons.

As early as last October it was noted that the part of the instrument dealing with employment facilitation had some limitations. Of the approximately 2.2 million people that made up the 843 thousand households that received income from citizenship, only 704 thousand were considered “employable”, and due to delays and organizational problems, although anticipated, no improvements had been observed up to that moment. in employment data. In December 2019, 28 thousand people had found work under the “pact for work”.

It is also to make the income of citizens more effective that according to the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, a computer tool will soon arrive capable of more efficiently connecting those who apply for work and those who offer it, something that would also make it easier to identify those who they reject offers under the “pact”.

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In recent weeks a controversy has arisen between the president of the INPS, Pasquale Tridico, and Tito Boeri, his predecessor, who claimed that half of the income of the citizens was not people who really needed them. The central director of the INPS, Daniele Checchi, clarified that “approximately 1 million and 486 thousand individuals would be, in the estimates, recipients of RdC although they do not result in the audience of the relatively poor elaborated following the OECD criteria” – or those of The OECD is an organization that groups together 35 of the world’s most developed countries, but that “it is not possible to make scientifically reliable deductions about the inclusion of possible evaders in the audience.” In addition, the coronavirus pandemic has further aggravated the economic situation of even more families.

the Only He explained that from January 2020 to today the number of applicants has grown by 25.8 percent and that only in August more than 650 million euros have been invested in grants. In total, € 8.5 billion has been allocated to citizenship income and pension benefits since April 2019. However, if we consider that the measures are financed only until 2021, critics of the instrument argue that it would also be necessary to focus in training and in various career guidance paths to complement the demand with the use of citizens’ income.
