
“Two days of discussion on the ordinance of not wearing masks Vittorio Sgarbi. Today we discover that it does not exist ”. Luca telese made the classic discovery of hot water, because it was actually the art critic who immediately clarified that his ordinance was a paradox, nothing more than a provocation to reaffirm his line on coronavirus. Director of In the air This time he made a mistake, it was not necessary to wait two days to understand that the ordinance does not exist.
“To prevent the irrational spread of the virus of fear,” Sgarbi wrote in a letter to The newspaper – I have prepared an ordinance to prohibit the use of the mask, which is not a prohibition, but a reminder of reason and free thought, that is, thought free from prejudice. My threat of a fine for those who wear masks on the street is just a paradox to make us reflect on the nonsense of submission, not imposed, but passively accepted ”.
Sgarbi had prepared as mayor of Sutri an ordinance that was also based on Decree Law 155 of 2005 that, after the Islamic terrorist attacks, prohibits any face masking that may make it difficult to recognize the person: “The available scientific evidence, provided by the Higher Institute of Health, indicate that in six months the epidemic produced four deaths under the age of 9 and none between the ages of 10 and 19. No one. Should we gag them all with masks, so that they are not contaminated between healthy ones? ” .
