TURIN. Closing of nightlife squares from 10:00 pm and repression of the police called to enforce anti-contagion measures. These are the hypotheses that are being studied by the Public Order and Safety Committee convened today in the Prefecture, to decide how to implement in Turin the provisions of the latest decree of the Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, which came into force yesterday. There are two areas in Turin at high risk of closure, subject to a kind of selective lockdown to stop the spread of Covid: piazza Vittorio and piazza Santa Giulia. Delicate decision, allowed by article 1 of the new document that introduced sentence to the previous decree, of October 13: “The streets or squares of urban centers, where congestion situations can be created, may be closed to the public after 21”. However, taking into account the needs of “legitimately open companies” and the citizens residing in those areas.
Thorny problem. Also because the requirements recognized by the same decree derive from the fact that restoration activities can remain open from 5 to 24. Hence the conflict, not easy to resolve, on the measures to be taken: on the one hand, the blocking of access to nightlife areas and on the other hand, without prejudice to the opening allowed to the premises. And the delicacy of the issue was immediately captured yesterday by the mayor Chiara Appendino, pointing out the “loneliness of decisions” of the first citizens, in whom President Conte has delegated the responsibility of establishing the “urban closure” areas for health reasons. .
The opinion of the institutions
“The decision to close squares and streets to the public must be agreed by all local institutions, with extensive experience in security and control. It cannot in any way be in the hands of individual administrations, ”said the mayor. Complaints also motivated by the fact that the text of the new decree, despite the intervention of the President of the Council of Ministers in the task demanded of the Italian mayors, did not seem exhaustive in the procedural path to be followed by the Municipalities. According to the evaluations from Rome, the mayors must in any case sign the closure orders, after discussion in the Security and Public Order Committee.
For exhibitors located in risk areas of the city, the substance does not change. “With this place we could close, without waiting for the prohibitions of the City Council”, they say in Piazza Vittorio. Even if the goal of the Dpcm is to reduce meetings and not “block” activities. An emblematic case that the Press documented in the Piazza Santa Giulia in recent days: gatherings in the street after the local closing time, poor observance of the provisions on the use of outdoor masks and the tolerant “attitude” of the policeman. . Also on this front, a tightening of controls is foreseen, until now more devoted to persuasion about the correct behavior to follow and to the repression of infractions.