The next Trump-Biden confrontation will take place remotely, but Trump says he will not


The next televised confrontation between the two main US presidential candidates, outgoing President Donald Trump and his challenger Joe Biden, will take place “in virtual mode”, with the candidates in two different places, the commission that organizes the debates, “to protect the health and safety of all involved “. If it will take placeHowever: shortly after the announcement, Trump, who is still positive for the coronavirus, said that he does not intend to participate in a remote debate; his campaign leader called the decision “a favor for Joe Biden” and said Trump will hold a rally that night.

The commission’s decision was made necessary in light of Donald Trump’s coronavirus positivity, communicated last week just two days after the first confrontation with Biden (and with some doubts that it was positive even then, given that the administration until now it has not). I wanted to report when the last negative buffer from the president goes back). After a few days in the hospital, Trump returned to the White House but is still positive for the coronavirus, as well as more than thirty people who have come to the White House in recent days. The commission made this decision without consulting the Trump and Biden election committees.

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In recent days, Trump, who is disadvantaged in the polls, had expressed his desire to participate in the confrontation, saying he felt great, while Biden’s committee had said the debate should not have been held while Trump was away. positive. Trump said today that in his opinion “I am not contagious at all.”
