the newsletter of December 29, 2020


Coronavirus cases discovered in Sicily in the last 24 hours date back, but the swabs processed are also increasing. There are 995 new cases compared to 8,807 tests with a positivity rate of 11.2%. (Yesterday they were 650 with 5,693 swabs and a positivity of 11.4%). This was announced by the Ministry of Health in the usual daily bulletin to monitor the progress of the pandemic.

Patients with symptoms increase from 1,064 to 1,093, while in intensive care there are 169 beds (with 8 new admissions), a decrease compared to yesterday when they were 175. The total of Covid positives in the hospital is 1,262 people, while that are 32,147 in home isolation. The total number of positive people currently on the island is 33,409 people. Another 26 victims will be registered (yesterday 28), bringing the total since the start of the pandemic to 2,352. There are also 806 cured, for a total of 55,500.

December 29-2

The increase in new cases by province: 185 cases verified in Catania, 225 in Palermo; at Messina 287, at Ragusa 33, at Trapani 105, at Syracuse 42, at Caltanissetta 57, at Agrigento 26 and at Enna 35.

Mortality in Palermo

The Municipal Statistical Office has published a report, extracted from data provided by the National Center for Disease Prevention and Control of the Ministry of Health and by the Epidemiology Department of the Lazio Regional Health System, on daily mortality in the large cities compared to the five-year period. previous.

For Palermo, the report, updated to December 15, confirms the increase in total mortality already indicated in previous reports, although there is a reduction in excess mortality compared to the peaks registered in November. In October, 593 deaths were registered in Palermo, against an average of 465 in the last 5 years (+128 deaths, equal to + 28%), in November the deaths registered in Palermo were 791, against an average of the last 5 years the same to 480 (+309 deaths, equal to + 65%) and in the first 15 days of December the deaths registered in Palermo were 368, against an average of the last 5 years equal to 294 (+74 deaths, equal to + 25% ). Overall, in the period examined (September 30 to December 15), deaths increased by 41%, with a peak of + 78% recorded between November 11 and 17. In absolute values, deaths were 1,768, compared to an average of 1,250 for the same period of the last five years. The increase in deaths affected all age groups of the population, with some population peaks between bands 65-74, 75-84 and more 85.

“Extremely worrying data – says Mayor Leoluca Orlando – that confirm the need to maintain a high level of care and above all confirm that we all have a duty to respect precautionary measures to combat the spread of the virus. ourselves, our loved ones and our community. “

Back to school

Today there was a meeting between the prefect and the social partners requested by Cgil, Cisl Uil and the school’s business organizations for a safe restart in January. The unions, although they expressed their appreciation for the information meeting, complained of “not having been summoned to the tables and expressed their concern at the time when the works and agreements are being carried out to plan the return to school.”

For the moment, the unions have confirmed that the start of classes will be 50 percent from January 8 and 75 percent from January 15. With the possibility of one hour spacing, from 8 to 9 for entry and from 13 to 14 for exits. For public transport, it is necessary to organize approximately 42 urban buses and 131 extra-urban trips (with an increase of 99 buses).
Among the requests made by the unions, the strengthening of transport with an increase in trips “dedicated” to commuter students.

The situation in Italy

There are 11,212 new cases of coronavirus in Italy in the last 24 hours (out of 128,740 swabs performed) and 659 victims. 17,044 people recovered or discharged. Today, intensive care (-16) and ordinary hospitalizations (-270) are decreasing.

Currently positive: 568,728
Deaths: 73,029 (+659)
Discharged / Healed: 1,425,730 (+17,044)
Hospitalized: 26,211 (-286)
Intensive care patients: 2,549 (-16)
Buffers: 26,243,558 (+128,740)
Total cases: 2,067,487 (+11,212, + 0.55%)

The new cases region by region
