the news to the Highway Code


Generic 2018

Important news on the way to circulation in urban areas. In the text of the Simplification Law Decree, approved on Friday, September 4 in the Senate, and pending the approval of the Chamber, new regulations have been inserted that will bring significant changes in the Highway Code.

These cover various topics, including conducting preferential paths for cyclists, the positioning of fixed radars even in the center, the possibility of improving surveillance through Public employees me from private companies, but also an exemption for Italian cross-border travelers to drive vehicles with foreign registration.

The “urban bike path” is born

According to the decree, it is a “single-lane urban road, with piers and paved sidewalks, with a speed limit of no more than 30 km / h, defined by special vertical and horizontal signs, with priority for bicycles.” Therefore, cyclists will have priority over other vehicles as they travel or enter roads of this type. Drivers of other vehicles may overtake cyclists on an urban bicycle lane only “at a very low speed if circumstances require it” and in any case they must “take special precautions to guarantee a greater lateral safety distance”. Cyclists on urban bikeways will no longer be required to ride in single file, but only up to a maximum of two can stay side by side.

Bicycles can (in some cases) go in the wrong direction

This is the “two way cycling“. Bicycles may circulate in the opposite direction on streets of urban neighborhoods, neighborhood roads, urban bicycle lanes and bicycle-pedestrian paths, but only on the bi-directional cycle lane, which mayors may identify through ordinance and special signaling on roads with limits speed of 30 km / h and in the Ztl. These lanes can be created “regardless of the width of the road, the presence and position of vehicle parking areas and the mass of vehicles authorized to transit.” Cyclists may also circulate along the lanes reserved for public transport, provided there are no level tram lines and the width of the track is at least 4.30 meters.

Parking fines prohibited

Municipal employees and private companies that manage parking and parking will be able to motorists fines for parking and stopping violations, and also order the forced retirement of the vehicle. The same prerogatives will also be in the hands of employees of municipal companies and companies in charge of waste collection. The ecological operators will thus be able to sanction both vehicles that impede the normal performance of their work, as well as those that obstruct traffic in the lanes reserved for public transport due to parking bans. To formalize the fine, the employee will only need a photograph. Only people without a criminal record who have followed a specific training course will be able to do this activity.

Fixed radars also on downtown streets

The decree extended to the municipalities the possibility of installing fixed radars also on category E and F roads, that is, the neighborhood and local urban streets. At the moment, fixed speed cameras can only be found on urban highways (roads with separate carriageways or separated by traffic divisions, each with at least two lanes).

Video cameras to fine traffic prohibited

The decree expands the authorization for the installation of video cameras that sanction the Circulation on roads with prohibited access or traffic.. All equipment must be approved directly by the Ministry of Transportation.

Cross-border travelers will be able to circulate with foreign license plates

According to the current law, people who reside in Italy for more than 60 days cannot be behind the wheel of a car with foreign registration (except in some special cases of leasing or rental without a driver). The changes introduced with the simplification decree would guarantee exceptions to this rule for residents of Campione d’Italia, civilian and military personnel in service abroad and workers residing in Italy, but who must go to neighboring countries. Cross-border travelers will be able to drive cars with foreign license plates.

The “school areas” are born

The decree defines the school area as an “urban area in the vicinity of which are the buildings intended for school use, in which special protection for pedestrians and the environment is guaranteed, delimited along the roads of Access by the corresponding start and end signals. “. In these areas mayors may prohibit the traffic of all types of vehicles at specific times. In any case, vehicles used for school transport and those with disabled parking cards would be excluded from the ban.

Tricycles of more than 250 cm3 will be able to return to the highway

It will no longer be prohibited on motorways (and on the main extra-urban roads where indicated) “tricycles with a cylinder capacity equal to or greater than 250 cm3 if they are equipped with a heat engine and in any case with a power not less than 15 kW, intended for transportation of people and with a maximum of one passenger in addition to the driver “.
