The Ministry of the Interior has published on its website the new self-certification form that must be completed by those who, due to “proven needs”, have to travel within Lombardy, Lazio and Campania, in which on October 21 ordinances limiting travel were signed trying to curb the increase in coronavirus cases. The ministry specifies that self-certification can also be completed at the time of control by the police.
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In Lombardy, from Thursday, October 22 (and until November 13) there will be a curfew from 23 to 5 hours. During this time slot, it will be possible to travel only for proven work needs, situations of need or urgency and for health reasons. In Lazio, on the other hand, the curfew will begin at night between Friday, October 23 and Saturday, October 24 and will prohibit travel between the 24th and the 5th. Travel will be allowed for the same reasons provided for in the ordinance. of Lombardy.
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From October 23 to 30, Campania citizens will be prohibited from moving from the province of residence or habitual residence to other provinces of Campania, unless there are proven reasons for work, health, family or related to school and training. However, the ordinance does not prevent citizens of Campania from moving outside the region, nor can citizens of other regions arriving in Campania move freely between the provinces.