School starts again Monday September 14. Tomorrow there will be 13 regions where the bell will ring for six million students even if there are no classrooms and teachers. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte, who will speak today at 12, assures that “the return will be made without danger” while 8 thousand directors, 900 thousand teachers and 240 thousand school collaborators will return to work with the students.
School: the new rules for parents and children about masks and fever
And although an estimate contained in the documents attached to the minutes of the Scientific Technical Committee, which had already analyzed the different scenarios for the start of phase 2 at the end of April, says with the reopening of schools the spread of Covid-19 it could increase by about 0.4, here are the new rules on masks and fever for parents and children:
- Fever is measured at home and not at school: every morning the parents themselves, at home, will measure their child’s temperature before going to school. While in case of illness in the classroom, the task will be in charge of the identified school personnel, “through the use of thermometers that do not require contact that will be found in advance.” The threshold limit, as always, is 37.5 degrees.
- There are no masks in class: the desks will be one meter apart. At school, as recently clarified by the Technical-Scientific Committee, masks (preferably surgical masks) should be worn in common areas and when traveling (to go to the teacher’s desk or to the bathroom, for example), while they can be worn remove “in static condition”, that is, sit on the counter, if the distance of at least one meter is met. Situations that could lead to the spread of aerosols, such as singing, should be avoided.
- Singing during music hours and playing sports in a group is prohibited; change interval only; in the canteen with only disposable plates.
The minister Lucia azzolina He clarified in an interview with Corriere della Sera that whoever wants to can keep the mask: “We said something different: if there is a meter away and the boy wants to lower it, he can do it, but nothing prevents him from keeping it if he prefers.” Meanwhile, yesterday 25 children from a nursery school in Porto Mantovano were placed in home isolation because six of them showed flu symptoms: the isolation will last at least until Monday, when the results of the swabs will arrive.
Spaces, teachers, masks and temperature
La Stampa reminds that according to the CISL school, one school in 4 will not be able to reopen regularly. For the Ministry of Education, this is already a good result, it means that 3 out of 4 manage to open, and the minister emphasizes that 10,000 classrooms have been recovered and expanded. “Regarding the delivery of the desks, we receive reports of delays, we are talking about 200 thousand delivered of the 2,400,000,” reports the president of the National Association of Directors, Antonello Giannelli. Chairs will also suffer: of the 85 thousand hires announced in August by Minister Azzolina, 22 thousand will arrive, less than 30% of the authorized amount. Then there is the question of the masks:
The 77 million masks still missing in recent days will arrive tomorrow and another 16 million in primary schools, again tomorrow. Then the distribution of free masks will continue on a weekly or biweekly basis. Domenico Arcuri has guaranteed that everyone – students, teachers and school staff – will have a free surgical mask every day.
The rules state that if there is a distance of one meter, while sitting, the mask can be lowered. However, nothing prevents those who want to keep it even in class from doing so. In the classroom, the teacher can remove the mask if he is within two meters of the students. Instead, you have to hold it when you get up and walk around the desks.
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Finally, there are regional temperature differences: Piedmont has issued an order to impose the measure on the school in the absence of self-certification: the government has announced an appeal to the Regional Administrative Court. In Campania, President De Luca announced that “we have decided to take care of the problem” with a contribution of 3,000 euros to the institute for the purchase of thermocanners. The temperature will be measured at school.