the new positives are 1,238 in the Varese area, 8,607 in Lombardy


The Covid Hub of the Varese hospital

According to the report on the spread of contagion from the Lombardy region of Sunday, November 1 Outcome 1,238 new cases of SarsCov-2 positive citizens in the Varese area.

Wondering where we find the data for this newsletter? Why don’t we say how many tampons they make in Varese? Why don’t we report how many are asymptomatic? Are you convinced that we “do terrorism”? Perhaps it is better if before continuing reading all the frequently asked questions of the evening infectious bulletin

New positive swabs in the province of Varese: +1,238
New positive aspects in Lombardy: +8,607
New ICU admissions: +26

Swabs: In the province of Varese, 59,249 smears were performed during the month of October, of which 8,008 were positive. However, only in the week of October 22-28, 23,702 swabs were performed, of which 5,662 were positive, almost 24%. READ THE DETAIL HERE

Weekly trend of positive swabs in the province
Given the fluctuation in the number of buffers reported daily, which is never uniform on the days of the week, we have built a view that allows us to compare the data reported day by day with that of the same days of the previous week. In the province of Varese, the communications between Monday and Saturday of last week were 1940 this week are 5196. That’s 168% more.

In the Lombardy region, the number of buffers reported today is 39,658. The new positives are 8,607. In Lombardy, the citizens currently positive for the virus are 82,011 (+6,782).

The data for Sunday, November 1 in Lombardy

– swabs performed: 39,658, total total: 2,984,274
– new positive cases: 8,607 (of which 243 “weakly positive” and 60 after a serological test)
– total healed / discharged: 96,687 (+489), of which 4,486 discharged and 92,201 recovered
– in intensive care: 418 (+26)
– hospitalized patients not in intensive care: 4,246 (+213)
– deaths, grand total: 17,589 (+54)

New cases in the Lombard provinces

Milan: 3,695, of which 1,554 in the city of Milan;
Bergamo: 190;
Brescia: 463;
Like: 485;
Cremone: 181;
Lecco: 291;
Lodi: 138;
Mantua: 117;
Monza and Brianza: 1,195;
Pavia: 434;
Sondrio: 77;
Varese: 1,238

Increases in the 10 municipalities with the most infections

Number of positive citizens in the municipalities of Varese

Map constructed on the basis of the mayors’ communications. The data is manually entered by editorial staff and therefore may not always be up to date.

Data in Italy

Covid infections in Italy are decreasing, they are 29,907 (yesterday 31,758), according to the bulletin of the Ministry of Health, but compared to more than 30,000 fewer tampons (183,457 compared to 215,886 yesterday); the increase in victims is 208 in 24 hours, also decreasing (yesterday 297). There are currently 1,939 people in intensive care (+96 from yesterday), the total number of hospitalized with symptoms is 18,902 (+936).

The impact of infections in the Varese area in the second wave

The impact of infections in the municipalities of Varese in the second wave of the Coronavirus
