the new positive aspects in the province of Foggia and in Puglia


1470 positive people, 187 hospitalized and 1283 people in fiduciary isolation: this is the balance of the epidemiological bulletin of the Puglia region as of September 10, 2020, a day that recorded another 70 infections out of 3916 tests for the Covid-19 coronavirus infection and three deaths of two of them in the province of Bari and one in the Tarantino.

Deaths since the start of the health emergency have risen to 570 while those cured are 4169. La Capitanata continues to be the province of Apulia with the highest cumulative incidence: 23.7 per 10 thousand inhabitants (well above the average of 15, 4), followed by Brindisi, Bari, Bat, Lecce and Taranto.

On the Foggia contagion map, the red zone remains. From 21 to 50 cases in Cerignola, from 11 to 20 in San Severo. From 6 to 10 in Ascoli Satriano, Stornara and Manfredonia. At least one case in 17 other municipalities: Apricena, San Paolo di Civitate, Lesina, Celenza Valfortore, Casalvecchio di Puglia, Monte Sant’Angelo, Mattinata, Vieste, Rodi Garganico, San Marco in Lamis, Lucera, Troia, Stornarella, Orta Nova , Bovino, Panni and Poggio Imperiale

Who are the new positives in Puglia?

Asl Bari, Antonio Sanguedolce: “In the last 24 hours we have registered 32 new positives in Sars-Cov2. The positivity today refers in particular to 27 close contacts linked to cases already isolated and under surveillance, 1 return from Sardinia and 4 cases under investigation “.

Asl Brindisi Giuseppe Pasqualone: ​​”The only positive registered today was identified through contact tracing, as it is connected to a previous case.”

Asl Bat, Alessandro Delle Donne: “5 cases registered today in Bat province: 2 are hospitalized, 1 is a close contact of a positive person registered in the last days, 1 has returned from Romania and epidemiological investigations are still ongoing on a last case of the Department of Prevention “.

Asl Foggia, Vito Piazzolla: “In the last 24 hours in the province of Foggia there have been 13 new cases of people positive for Covid-19. Of these 5 are contacts of already known cases; 4 are foreign citizens present in the provincial territory; 4 are the symptomatic people identified thanks to the reports of general practitioners. Active surveillance and verification of close contacts by our services began immediately. ”

Asl Lecce, Rodolfo Rollo: “The only case registered today by the prevention department is a close contact of an already known case, resident in the province of Lecce.”

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Asl Taranto, Stefano Rossi: “Of the 17 cases of Covid attributed to the residence in Taranto, some are attributable to the outbreak of the Polignano a Mare company; other cases are related to the Ginosa Marina outbreak; others, finally, are cases of positive contacts found after an epidemiological investigation by the Department of Prevention “
