the new IEP, functional profile and ICF. Course with free registration and use


Course organized and certified by SO.GE.S, a body accredited to Miur (Orizzonte Scuola Group Company), in collaboration with Orizzonte Scuola Formazione. At the end of the video classes, after passing the learning test, it is possible to request the certification recognized by the MIUR valid for the recognition of the updating of teachers (according to ministerial directive 170/2016), at a price of 79 euros.

The course provides the opportunity to reconfigure one’s own knowledge about the regulatory measures that have generated changes in the field of school and social inclusion. In general, it will be possible to understand the new process of allocation of resources related to support and to know the different figures involved in various capacities. A detailed discussion will be proposed on the composition and role of the different commissions both for the drafting of the new operating profile and for all the remaining documentation. Provisions 66 and 96, respectively of 2017 and 2019, will be explained with reference also and especially to the changes made from the second to the first. An explanation will be given regarding the new national EIPs, apparently shortly, subject to approval by the GLO which will become a chartered body. An overview of what the inclusive perspective of the ICF is in relation to the role of ICD 10 will be provided. The teacher will gain knowledge and skills on the latest news on inclusion and legislation.

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