The new Dpcm today November 3 and the regions towards the total blockade


Editorial Board
03 November 2020 04:04

Giuseppe Conte’s new Dpcm arrives today. This was confirmed yesterday by the Prime Minister, leaving the Senate after his speech to illustrate the measures under discussion and in which he announced “different norms based on territorial criticisms” and that the curfew -which evokes the confinement- will be “at the last minute of the night “. A few hours earlier, in the Chamber, the prime minister had accepted Montecitorio’s yes “to intervene with increasingly restrictive measures” to face the coronavirus epidemic.

The new Dpcm today and the regions towards total lockdown

The Civil Protection bulletin yesterday reported 22,253 new cases and 233 deaths with 50,000 fewer tampons than the previous day, while the occupied intensive care units amounted to 2022, an increase of 83 places. For this reason, Conte yesterday announced differentiated closures between regions, explaining that Italy will be divided into three areas that will have an increasing level of risk, on the basis of which the government will decree the closures. This will serve to overcome the incredible situation that has arisen with the local authorities, who have refused to take responsibility for the closure. The new Dpcm that today or at most tomorrow will see the light therefore:

  • it will identify three areas corresponding to three risk scenarios from which increasingly restrictive measures will be implemented;
  • one band will be that of the regions that are already in stage 4 and where the measurements will be launched at the same time as the Dpcm;
  • the second band will be reserved for high-risk regions that are still in scenario 3; here the measures will be less restrictive;
  • the third band will be that of the rest of the national territory;

The calculation will be made based on the report of the Ministry of Health and the Higher Institute of Health and the areas will become red zones (it is possible that the measures affect entire regions) with an order from Minister Roberto Speranza. It will be what has been repeatedly called a “soft” or “soft” blockade that will gradually affect the whole of Italy. Among the planned measures are:

  • The curfew, which should take place at 9 pm (but Conte spoke yesterday of “late at night”, thus opening up the possibility of setting it at 10 pm);
  • Distance learning in secondary schools and in the last year of secondary school (this measure is also still under discussion);
  • the early or total closure of shops and non-essential public establishments such as bars and restaurants;
  • the reduction of public transport capacity to 50% announced yesterday in the Chamber by the Prime Minister

The map of regions at risk of blockade with the new Dpcm

Under the new regulations, in the afternoon you will only be able to leave for work, health or proven need reasons and you will have to complete a self-certification. Shopping centers will be closed on holidays and pre-holidays, while grocery stores, pharmacies and tobacconists will remain open. 100% distance learning will leave another million students at home.

Lockdown Italy: the map of the regions at risk

What regions are at risk of total lockdown? Those that risk having to adopt the most restrictive measures, including the generalized closure, are Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria, which have a contagion index Rt higher than 1.5 (in fact it is also above 2) and an uncontrolled transmission of coronavirus and Covid-19. For them they are in preparation from the local confinements at the provincial level for at least 3 weeks until the limitation of individual mobility until the closure of the entire Region except essential activities. The province of Bolzano has already been autonomously placed in this range: after leaving bars and restaurants open in opposition to the Decree of the Prime Minister of October 24, it has now announced a 3-week closure.

In the second band, on the other hand, are all those areas in which the risk factor is compatible with scenario 3, with an Rt between 1.25 and 1.5 and a “sustained and generalized transmissibility with risks of maintenance of the health system in the medium term “. In this case, “slightly less restrictive” measures are envisaged, said the prime minister. Which ones? Closure of activities, limitations to mobility in municipalities and provinces, closure of schools and universities due to epidemiological situation. In the last band, the third, all Regions that have a risk index compatible with ‘scenario 2’, where the TR is between 1 and 1.25, will finish. According to the latest available monitoring, today only Basilicata (1.04) and Sardinia ( 1.12) enter this band La Stampa explains today what happens when a region enters the band defined by Conte as “high risk”:

First of all, they close all the stores that sell non-essential products, such as sports, clothing, footwear, as well as bars, restaurants and pastry shops, but also hairdressers, beauty centers, pastry shops and ice cream parlors. Instead, grocery stores, supermarkets, pharmacies, and newsagents remain open. But also hardware, mechanics, body builders.

Negotiations over the schools were still ongoing overnight, but the compromise would appear to be to leave only the nursery, primary and secondary school open.

The big difference from the spring closure is that the factories will remain open, as will the farms, livestock and slaughterhouses. In short, stop selling, but production continues. You will no longer be able to sit in the restaurant, but you can ask to have your food delivered to your home or work. Which should be 100% smart working in public offices and highly recommended in the private sector.

Will the Dpcm arrive today, Tuesday, November 3?

Meanwhile, beyond the heated tones and strong criticism from the center-right against the work of the Conte government, the thread of dialogue between the majority and the opposition has not yet been broken. The evidence of the dialogue on the new anti-Covid Dpcm was recorded in both the House and the Senate during the vote on the Prime Minister’s communications. Late in the afternoon, some points of the resolution presented by the center-right were approved in Palazzo Madama (to be exact 6 of the 22 of the text prepared by Lega Fdi and Fi): among these those of patients without Covid , the disabled and the most fragile subjects. in home care, especially for the elderly.

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A clear sign of convergence, inspired according to parliamentary sources, by the strong moral persuasion of the Head of State Sergio Mattarella. The President of the Republic has been calling for national unity for days given the delicacy of the moment in which the country is living. This morning Mattarella held a videoconference interview with the president and vice president of the Conference of the Regions, Stefano Bonaccini and Giovanni Toti to take stock of the situation and tomorrow he will see the presidents of the Senate and Chamber, Elisabetta Casellati and Roberto Fico. Meanwhile, the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala does not give up: “I am still waiting for the dpcm to come out and for the Region to confirm that Lombardy is in the highest range, that it is not automatic. RT is one thing but there are also the 21 parameters “.
