The new Dpcm with Covid rules was signed shortly before one in the morning by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Health Minister Roberto Speranza. The signing came after receiving comments on the final text from the government of the Regions, who had requested a postponement until today. The anti-contagion measures will be valid for one month, until November 13, 2020. But local authorities are also asking for aid for the affected companies.
The dpcm of October 13 was signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte after midnight. Hence the entry into force as of tomorrow, October 14.
Here is the text of the Dpcm October 13, 2020
The new Dpcm has been signed with Covid rules
The new Dpcm with Covid rules contains a strong recommendation to wear masks even at home, in the presence of non-partners, the closure of the premises at midnight and parties in private homes not recommended if the participants exceed 6 units. School trips and contact sports at the amateur level are also suspended. The closure of the nightlife has also been confirmed: the closure of the premises is set for midnight with the prohibition of parking and drinking outside the enclosure from 21, except table service.
Parties are also prohibited in all indoor and outdoor venues, except those resulting from civil or religious ceremonies, which can take place with a maximum presence of 30 people. Participation in sporting events is set at 15% of the stadiums and arenas capacity, with a maximum limit of 1000 spectators for outdoor events and 200 for indoor events. Same maximum ceiling, 1000 outdoors and 200 indoors, for theatrical performances, cinema and concerts. There is also a quarantine relief, which goes from 14 to 10 days, and the green light to the single buffer. In detail, the new Dpcm with Covid rules provides:
- 70% smart work for public employees, with an invitation to strengthen even in private companies;
- In 30 at weddings, confirmations and baptisms;
- There are no school trips or white weeks;
- No parties and six dinners at home as a recommendation;
- Stop amateur sport while continuing youth sport
Article 1 of the dpcm, according to the latest draft published by Ansa, establishes that “it is mandatory throughout the national territory to always carry respiratory protection devices, as well as the obligation to carry them indoors other than private homes and in all places in the open air except in the cases in which, due to the characteristics of the places or the factual circumstances, the condition of isolation of the people who do not live together is permanently guaranteed, and in any case with the security protocols. and the anti-contagion guidelines provided for economic, productive, administrative and social activities, as well as guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages ”. Those who engage in sports activities, those under 6 years of age, people with pathologies and disabilities incompatible with the use of a mask are excluded from the obligation. The use of devices is also “strongly recommended” “even in private homes in the presence of non-partners.”
Private parties and the limit of six people.
After the controversy after the intervention of Minister Speranza in the ‘Che Tempo Che fa’, the government takes a step back in private parties but does not renounce to add a rule that establishes a limit of six people for dinners with non-partners. The government bans parties in places open to the public, but it also makes a strong recommendation for those in private homes: If you don’t live together, no more than six people should attend.
The Regions had proposed Dad for secondary schools to the government, with lessons at home for students over 14 years old. In the end, the proposal failed and did not come from Liguria, as Governor Giovanni Toti said while writing today. RepublicLuca Zaia from Veneto said that if there is an intervention to reduce the capacity of buses and the metro, distance education for high school students should be activated. Stefano Bonaccini dell’Emilia, on the other hand, had let his staff know in the evening that he had never made the proposal “to return to distance education”, but that this was “feared as a last resort by other Regions where the Government had decided Reduce the capacity currently provided for public transport. The proposal was not even carried out as the issue of public transport and school transport was not advanced by the government in the recently completed control room. “
The new signed Dpcm: publication in the Official Gazette
The publication of the new Dpcm with the Covid rules in the Official Gazette has not yet taken place, nor has the government website made the text official. But according to the latest draft, indoor and outdoor dance halls and discos remain closed, as well as school trips, while the ban on fairs and congresses has been lost. Civil or religious ceremonies, such as weddings and masses, are “saved” from the prohibition of parties indoors and outdoors. The following parties can be held with a limit of 30 people. The rule that establishes that in private homes it is “in any case highly recommended to avoid parties and receive non-partners” in number “greater than 6” will cause much discussion.
With regard to public places and catering activities, the closure has been moved to 24 hours while without table service they are allowed until 9 p.m., except catering with home delivery or take-out but with prohibition of consumption in the place. For shows, the limits of 200 people indoors and a thousand outdoors are maintained. The autonomous regions and provinces can establish, in agreement with the Minister of Health, a different maximum number of spectators depending on the size and characteristics of the seats. In any case, the ordinances already adopted by the autonomous regions and provinces are reserved.
Will there be more chaos in public places until midnight, the closing time imposed by the new Dpcm government? “I don’t think so – said the Undersecretary of Health, Sandra Zampa, guest of Ómnibus in La7 – we are no longer in summer and there are many places where it will be impossible to stay on the street.
All competitions, competitions and all activities related to contact sports of an amateur nature are prohibited. Contact sports are allowed, according to the draft dpcm published by Ansa, “by professional clubs and, both at a competitive and grassroots level, by associations and amateur clubs recognized by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), by the Italian Paralympic Committee. (CIP), in compliance with the protocols issued by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines and sports promotion bodies, suitable to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the reference sector or in similar sectors ”.
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Meanwhile, the president of the Conference of the Regions and Emilia Romagna Stefano Bonaccini in a note affirms that on the dpcm launched by the government “the Conference of the Regions has expressed an opinion conditioned on some observations already sent to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and the ministers Roberto Speranza and Francesco Boccia “. “The measures adopted at this time by the Government in the field of health respond to the requests and requirements that the Regions had addressed to the Executive in recent days, especially with regard to the expansion of tests that can be used to effective and broader prevention action also through products that are already certified by the health authorities of the G7 countries and with regard to the restriction of the expected quarantine periods and the provision of a single negative buffer to certify the end of the contagious period. “However, the Regions ask the government” to provide adequate forms of provisioning to the sectors and economic activities that will be affected by the limitations introduced by the decree, to clarify and better detail the areas of the concept of ‘ party ‘on which some provisions of the provision are based. “, verify the measures envisaged in relation to the concerning local public transport, deepening the context scenario ”.