The new Dpcm for tonight: national curfew from 21 or 22, in red zones schools in the presence of up to 1o average


Genoa. There is waiting for the new Dpcm that should be signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte tonight. After the meeting this morning with the heads of delegation, at 5.30 p.m. the Government called urgently Regions. The meeting with the representatives of the Cts, the technical-scientific committee whose regional data must be analyzed to understand which regions will be included in the high-risk range.

Few official government statements at this time .. The DCM will arrive “in the next few hours,” said the sUndersecretary of Health Sandra Zampa on Rai Radio1 on Radio too. The attempt being made is not to paralyze the country: it will not be a rigid blockade, but similar to the German model, “a light blockade.” “It’s quite complicated,” he explained, “trying to make a garment measure based on zones, it’s a huge effort we’re making. The attempt is not to paralyze the country, I want to be clear. It will not be a rigid lock, but similar to the German model, light ”.

I details of tonight’s measure are yet to be defined and refer in particular to the division of the country in three areas, from one more at risk, to another in the intermediate range and then to a last with low spread of the virus. For each band, progressive restrictive measures will apply, including movements between Regions and the closure of all non-essential activities. However, the Regions have not been included in the possible bands.

At the national level, the government would have reached an agreement on some points from the scooks in presence until sixth grade in the red zones. Most would also have agreed on other national measures, from closing shopping malls on weekends to stopping at museums and exhibitions, to limitations on mobility to and from the Red Band Regions. About him curfew, we learn from some sources, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will say the last word: the time of the “dance” between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. throughout Italy.
