The new Dpcm December 3 will sanction the prohibition of moving outside their region one week before Christmas 2020 (approximately 18 or 19) and therefore those who want to spend the holidays with relatives must do so, whenever possible based on to the subdivision of the Italy in the red, orange and yellow zones, it moves before the rules of the ministerial decree come into force. While Vice Minister Sileri says that Christmas lunches could risk a massacre. And the CTS also calls for caution.
The new Dpcm December 3 and the need to move a week before Christmas 2020
The inter-region travel ban will also apply to those in the yellow area and will be a total lockdown. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wants to sign the provision before midnight on December 2: the Dpcm will contain the rules for the first two weeks of December and the next two, which will probably run until after Epiphany, when the Moving Ban in force since 18 or 19. On Wednesday, December 2, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza will illustrate the disposition to the Chambers and therefore it is expected that the last issues will be resolved between today, when a meeting with the Regions and Municipalities is scheduled. . , and tomorrow during the last interview with the leaders of the majority group. There are still many points in discussion:
- moving – it will always be allowed, as it is now, to return to one’s residence or home, but as far as second homes are concerned, it may be possible to move only before the mid-December block;
- exceptions for grandparents, parents and children: Corriere della Sera writes that the government will decide whether to grant exceptions “which in any case will be limited to the maximum”; it may be possible to return to the family home to spend the holidays with elderly parents. If this is the case, the exemption could be used by only one family member; The possibility of granting the exemption to students who have moved their residence or domicile outside their city is also evaluated; Family reunification must also be granted to cohabiting couples;
- The curfew will be set at 10 pm with the closing of the premises at 6 pm, limits that the government seems determined to maintain for all holidays. The nodes are intertwined with the opening hours of the stores, destined instead to extend until two or three hours from midnight;
- the travel ban could come into effect on the 19th, 21st or even the 16th (less likely), to allow a certain number of people to return home or join close relatives for vacations before the closure of the internal borders;
As for the masses, religious services will be celebrated on December 24 and 25 throughout the day (last mass at 9 or 10 p.m.). The ski lifts will remain closed, but the Ansa news agency reports on a mediation proposal received by the government from the councilors of the Alpine regions: (Trentino, Alto Adige, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle D’Aosta ) to save skiing at Christmas: grant skipasses only to those who spend the night in hotels and those who have second residences. For those returning from abroad, the government wants to introduce the obligation of quarantine for fifteen days to spend at home. Meanwhile, Repubblica writes that according to this week’s follow-up, the yellow zone regions (Lazio, Liguria, Molise, Trento, Sardinia, Sicily and Veneto) will join Emilia-Romagna, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Marche, Puglia and Umbria.
The new Dpcm December 3 and the swab test to see relatives
Apparently, the government has decided not to introduce special rules for hotels and therefore you will be able to go to all hotels in the region of residence: this, technically, will allow to somehow circumvent the ban on dining out at Christmas and New Years New if these activities have dining rooms, of which the previous Dpcm did not prohibit their use. There are also no sight restrictions for cruises. Apart from the rules, of course: tampons for everyone, less passengers on board, masks, temperature controls, better sanitary and medical services, no buffet or counter but table service, with a covered mouth and nose every time you get up . Costa Cruises specifies in a note that in any case on its ships “entertainment is light and does not include a disco”. And that no one is authorized “to propose activities that do not comply with the health protocols defined in the Security Coast Protocol, which provides measures that even go beyond the requirements established by the authorities.”
For the Christmas dinner at the Dpcm that arrives on December 3, no indications will be given about the number of diners but, in any case, strong recommendations: no more than 6-7 at the table and all close family members and associates. With the recommendation, just in case, to swab those relatives who have not seen each other for a long time. Meanwhile, according to the Ansa agency, the first requests of those who want to undergo the test in the days before the holidays begin to arrive at the laboratories of the capital to protect their loved ones. “There are already about three hundred people who have reserved a tampon around Christmas in our centers – explains Mariastella Giorlandino, administrator of the Artemisia Lab networks that carry out tests in eight facilities throughout Lazio – but we are booking with an indication to contact us again a few days before to evaluate individual situations and establish the most suitable times and methods. ”
However, as we have explained, a single negative swab test result does not offer absolute guarantees. And in fact today the Corriere confirms that the result of the swab test is simply a snapshot of a moment: “I can test negative in the rapid test, but become infected in the following hours before meeting the family; or it can be negative, but I just got infected: It would be positive if I repeated the swab only a few hours later. Therefore, it would be better to do the test near the festive occasion (with all the logistical problems of the case), or if there is a suspicion of being infected. However, not immediately (the second problem): in many cases rapid tests are not sensitive enough to detect the presence of the virus in small quantities, which occurs at the beginning of the infection, when people are most contagious. From an alleged risk contact, it would be advisable to wait at least 48 hours before performing the test. Therefore, no one can afford to give up spacing, masking, and hand washing, even if you have a negative swab.
Second Republic The government has evaluated exceptions to allow visits to older people who don’t live together like grandparents, but is now moving toward recommending limiting it only to households who live together for dinner and all other occasions to get together on vacation. To understand if the only exception will be to be able to meet the elderly alone, but even at this point the orientation of the last hours seems to be the opposite. The Deputy Minister of Health, Pierpaolo Sileri, in an interview with The impression confirms travel bans in yellow regions. “It is bad to say it, but I think it is necessary. We need to reduce the chances of contagion. By the end of December it is likely that most of the Regions are in the yellow band and at that time the Christmas lunches with positives on the table would be sufficient. to take risks. ” a massacre. “The deputy minister adds that” the recommendation to have a limited number of guests will remain: I would say 6, although it is not a magic number. And that there are not 6 different guests at each meal. Also the curfew, then, must be at 22 “.
Il Messaggero, for its part, explains that the technicians of the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) Silvio Brusaferro, Franco Locatelli and Agostino Miozzo also support the line of prudence. During the last meeting they pointed out to Conte & C. that “a very rigorous approach is essential, because it is true that the curve of the epidemic is flattening and the pressure on hospitals is decreasing, but the positives are still too many and the spread of the virus is still impressive. ”Therefore,“ movements between regions would be a strong risk factor, a transfer of infections could occur between various areas of the country as occurred in August ”.
Finally Daily fact publishes the letter of a woman who has her boyfriend outside the region who has a request from Conte: “There are a myriad of families, sisters, brothers and boyfriends divided by this dpcm that for the umpteenth time has not entered a self-certification with the voice “on the move for a visit to a stable sweetheart.” This is what we ask. A greater sensitivity for such a delicate subject. We continue working, producing, passing the days as usual, and then returning home with a conscience. bitterness in the heart of not knowing if and when we could see our loved one. Many times we are alone in cities that are not ours, far from our families of origin or a boyfriend. Before this pandemic, love stories and the darling continued in another way. “