the new bans, from lockdowns to trips, bars and schools


Curfew, Red, Orange and Green Regions: The New Bans, From Lockdown to Travel, Bars and Schools

There are many new measures introduced as of tomorrow and valid until December 3. If a national curfew starts from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., 100% dad for high schools, closing of shopping centers on weekends, and a 50% cap for public transportation, the stricter rules concern the regions . In the higher risk, red ones, hair salons, shops, bars and restaurants will close and, at school, the ‘dad’ will involve second and third middle schools. A kind of regional blockade that should involve Lombardy, Piedmont me Calabria (with Aosta Valley me South tyrol observe special). Then there is a middle band, orange, which refers to regions like Campania (which, however, runs the risk of passing among those most at risk) and Veneto, with some prohibitions that apply, even for the “red band”: forbidden to enter and leave regional borders or move from the municipality of residence, stop at restaurants.

The orange regions

There is still uncertainty about the list of Regions to be included in the middle zone, the one with the orange alert. For example, Campania has risked a higher risk class, but is still orange; Emilia romagna me Veneto They dance between the green band (the least critical) and the orange band. the Lazio for now it is saved and goes between the regions with less criticality (therefore the green zone). Also in the orange zone Apulia me Liguria. But what kind of limitations does the new Dpcm foresee? First of all, exactly as in the “red”In the regions of the orange strip, there is a “prohibition of any movement in and out of the territories”, except “proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons”. You will not be able to move even within your own region: “Prohibition of any movement by public or private means of transport, in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile.” For schools, on the other hand, the restrictions indicated for the entire national territory apply. Stop of bars and restaurants, which therefore will not be able to operate, as was the case until 6:00 p.m. before this Dpcm. The home delivery service and take away food will remain allowed (until 10 pm, with prohibition of consumption in the vicinity of the enclosure), while the “food and beverage services will be maintained in the motorway service areas, hospitals and airports, with the obligation to guarantee in all cases the respect of the interpersonal distance of at least one meter ”.

In the red regions

Bars, restaurants and shops closed. Universities and high schools closed, for all distance education. Not only that: even in high school, second and third year, stop at the lessons in attendance, we go back to the ones that are online like during closing. These are, in summary, the main measures included in the Dpcm for the “scenario 4” Regions, that is, those that an ordinance of the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, will insert into the high-risk red band. Which? According to last Friday’s report (which had already been processed with a week-old data) are Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria (RT is low but there are bed problems), Aosta Valley and South Tyrol. For Campania there is uncertainty, due to insufficient data, and therefore it oscillates between the red and orange bands.

Dpcm, curfew at 22.00 in Italy. All the sizes. Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria: stop moving

For the most problematic Regions, the Dpcm also provides for the “prohibition of any movement in and out of the territories, as well as within the same territories, except movements motivated by proven labor needs or situations of need or for health reasons.” , “The return to your home, home or residence is allowed.” All shops closed, except hairdressers and barbers, basic necessities and pharmacies. For catering, only home delivery and take-out are allowed. Lastly, “activities related to personal services are suspended” such as beauticians. Save hairdressers. Obviously, all other containment measures provided for in the rest of the country are also applied.

Rome more than a thousand positives, the critical threshold of beds exceeded

Last updated: 02:16

