“The movement of the center-right in the journey never programmed” – Il Tempo


Travel no, yes, maybe. the Christmas dpcm as communicated to the Italians will be modified. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, according to the latest leaked rumors, seems to want to revise the point on travel, in particular the possibility of granting citizens the right to move at least during Christmas and New Years.

“Conte lets the news leak that he has opened a reflection on the prohibition of moving between municipalities at Christmas after the majority did not want to program the motion of the center-right that proposed to review this absurd rule,” the leader of the Brothers from Italy, Giorgia. Meloni then adds, “We’re happy anyway – just do it.” In short, after the restrictions, the government is willing to review the regulations on circulation between municipalities during the Christmas holidays and, now more than ever, the doubt arises spontaneously that the proposal of the Brothers of Italy is disguised.
