The mother mocked by De Luca: “Those who occupy an institutional position must seek solutions, not make fun of people”


“I am angry and sorry, I would like to talk By Luca with my baby, he would realize that everything is true. ” And her, Arianna montesano, 37 years old, labor consultant, the “mommy with a fashionable mask and fugitive eyes” that Vincenzo De Luca mocks. The governor of the Campania i was mad at her when i live Facebook pointed to the interview of a lady who supposedly said ‘my baby came to me crying and told my mother that I want to go to school to learn write … I think she is the only one in Italy who cries to go to school and also gives her motivation, I miss the hendecasillabi, is a gmo grown from mom with milk to plutonium, the only one in the world was found by this interviewer “.

De Luca must have realized that he was overflowing, if the next day he apologized with a Press release in which he declares “respect and solidarity towards mothers forced to face school closingsIn addition, the president of the Campania has made some mistakes in its reconstruction: the ‘trendy’ mask, as can be seen in the images of Sky, was a surgical joint of a few pennies; Signora Arianna was referring to hers boy (He has two children, ages five and ten); and the interviewer was one interviewer, the Sky correspondent from Naples Gaia bozza.

Mrs. Montesano, we have seen in social networks the photos of your family and children, two beautiful and smiling children: so is plutonium milk good for you?
(Laughs) Uh, sure …

How and when did you find out that De Luca was referring to you?
Not now. When a colleague in the office turned on the PC to listen to the governor’s direct, I asked him to turn it off, he did not want to hear anything. He was already upset about her attitude lately. So I only understood it at night, reading the highlights on the journalist’s sites and Facebook page, while friends asked me if he was angry with me. I had doubts, I have a son, not a daughter, and then I meet many mothers who, like me, have children who cry because they don’t go to school …

De Luca argues otherwise.
I know at least fifteen of them.

How did your friends react when they realized that she was the governor’s target?
Someone laughed at that. But mothers and fathers with school-age children were outraged. That sarcasm towards parents, children and journalists is not possible.

What did you feel?
I am angry and sorry. Those who occupy an institutional position cannot make fun of us in a moment as dramatic as this. De Luca treats us as people who do not understand anything, as deniers who want to send their children to school because they do not know how to do anything else, when instead we are also worried, we are afraid like the others. Fear for us, for our children and our parents. But even with fear we want solutions for our children to live and grow and instead make fun of us.

If you had De Luca in front of you, what would you say to him?
I would have him talk to my Alessandro, who is five and a half years old. Children can explain things with the simplest and most direct words. So maybe De Luca would understand what it means to make dad so small. My son would put him in trouble, you can be sure.

It should be remembered that De Luca backed down, basically an apology. Are you satisfied?
The mode at all is not that satisfying. First, it makes these direct self-celebrations without contradictions, a small theater. Then someone behind him will have told him that he had made a bad impression and will have written him two lines of apology. If you had to apologize to me personally? I don’t particularly care, it’s not a personal matter. I would simply like De Luca to reconsider what he is doing at school and for school, to take into account our protests. We would like real solutions and not just closures.

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