Snow in the city and in Torricelle (Taietti)
After the first snowfall yesterday, more precipitation, including snow, is expected across Veneto through Sunday.
The Decentralized Functional Center for Civil Protection has issued a notice of Early warning (orange alert) from 2:00 pm to midnight on Sunday due to hydrogeological and hydraulic problems in the Alto Piave, Piave Pedemontano and Alto Brenta-Bacchiglione basins. Orange alert for hydraulic problems also in the Livenza basin. The state of attention (yellow alert) was declared due to hydraulic and hydrogeological criticalities in the Adige, Basso Brenta and Basso Piave basins.
In Verona the measurements of Snow plan, agreed between the Prefecture, the Traffic Police, highway concessionaires, highway owners, the Province and the Municipal Police. In the field the measures, such as salting the roads, necessary to avoid accidents and traffic problems.
He highlighted the importance, on the part of highway concessionaires and road owners, to “quickly inform users about the state of the roads, as well as the need for all drivers to adopt prudent driving behaviors, in accordance with the weather conditions,” equipped winter – tires or chains on board – efficient “.
Also met at Marghera onRegional Civil Protection Crisis Unit, chaired by Councilor Gianpaolo Bottacin, who explains “The alert of the entire Veneto defense and intervention system has been decided. The most critical conditions foreseen during the weekend have been evaluated – says Bottacin -” with abundant snowfall and consequent risk of avalanches in the mountains and peaks of 300 mm of water where it will rain. In particular in the foothills, heavy rains are expected, with risks to hydrogeological stability. Windy sirocco phenomena are also expected in the mountains and on the coast at high tide.the entire health system in emergency-urgency, with special attention to the possible need for urgent hospitalization, today more relevant than ever before the Covid emergency “.
At the end of the meeting, a warning was sent to all the Prefectures and all the Municipalities of Veneto.