The bridge could have been saved, but design deficiencies were among the causes.
The triggering cause of the collapse of the Morandi bridge “is the corrosion phenomenon to which the upper part of the tie rod on the south side of Genoa of pier 9” was subjected. This is what the experts of the investigating judge Angela Nutini wrote in the report on the causes of the disaster. It happened on August 14, 2013, causing the death of 43 people. The document, of about 500 pages, was prepared as part of the second evidentiary incident, that of establishing the causes of the collapse. The prosecutor had asked 40 questions to which the super experts answered. “This corrosion process – the experts continue – started from the first years of the bridge’s life and progressed without stopping until the moment of collapse, causing an unacceptable reduction in the area of the resistant section of the chords that formed the core of the tie rods. , essential elements for the stability of the work ”.
In addition to corrosion, the collapse was also caused by “the controls and maintenance that, if carried out correctly, would have highly likely prevented the occurrence of the event,” the experts write. “The lack – they continue – and / or the inadequacy of the controls and the consequent corrective actions constitute the weak links of the system; if these, in case of missing, had been carried out and, if carried out, had been correctly executed, they would have the causal chain interrupted and the event would not have occurred. ” Other causes, according to the investigating judge’s experts, are “design deficiencies”, “lack of adequate technical specifications in cable covers and injection methods”, “constructional defects in the construction phase”., “Lack of controls during construction by the construction management and the inspection commission,” write the experts. And, once again, the experts confirmed a “lack of carrying out the specific investigations necessary to verify the state of the strands of the primary groups as recommended since 1985” and “the absence of restoration and repair interventions that should have been carried out. over time to repair the faulty tie rod. “